The Offer Building Formula


You can build rapport, establish your value as a coach, bring your prospect inches from the sale…

You can build rapport, establish your value as a coach, bring your prospect inches from the sale…

But if your offer isn’t a no-brainer, you’ll miss the sale every time.

So what’s the solution?

Designing an offer your prospects truly need.

“But how do I do that?” you might be wondering…

Not to worry — that’s exactly what we’re covering in today’s issue of Next Era Coach! 

By the end of this issue, you’ll know everything you need to design and deliver a great offer to the perfect client…

And grow the coaching business you’ve always wanted.

“But how do I do that?” you might be wondering…

Not to worry — that’s exactly what we’re covering in today’s issue of Next Era Coach! 

By the end of this issue, you’ll know everything you need to design and deliver a great offer to the perfect client…

And grow the coaching business you’ve always wanted.

But before we dive in.. 

What’s the #1 biggest reason coaches fail to get clients?

Not having a clear niche.

If you’re not 100% sure who your niche is…

It’s extremely difficult to stand out online, attract clients, and get paid for what you do.

If you know you need clarity on your niche, but aren’t sure how to get it…

Don’t miss this free training.

Inside, business coach Jason Moss will walk you through a proven, 4-step process he’s shared with thousands of coaches to help them figure out exactly what their niche is…

You’ll walk away with far more clarity on your niche…

So you can get on with the coaching work you’re here to do.

Jason Moss (@jasonmosscoaching) is a multi-six-figure business coach from Denver, Colorado. He’s helped thousands of coaches launch and grow their businesses and attract high-paying clients. His 4-step LAUNCH method offers a simple roadmap you can follow to replace your 9 – 5 income, go full time, and get paid to wake up every day and transform lives.

Deep Dive: Offer-Building Formula

You’re likely already an expert at what you do, but the skill of articulating offers doesn’t come naturally to many.

Still, an offer doesn’t have to be as seamless as a Bob Ross masterpiece coming together…

It just needs to work!

Entrepreneur Alex Hormozi said it best when he revealed his four pillars of a great offer:

  • Powerful, desirable vision

  • High likelihood of success

  • Short time horizon

  • Minimal risk

The stronger you make each piece… the better your offer will be, plain and simple.

For example, if you sell business coaching, you could make an offer that focuses on generating a certain income over the next couple of months…

Or if you sell life coaching, it could be a vision of a more exciting, freeing, and balanced lifestyle with greater peace of mind.

No matter what you choose, the outcome must be concrete.

The clearer the vision, the easier the sell, and the better the relationship will be.

And the more your prospects feel like they themselves are capable of transforming their lives (i.e. how easy you can make it for them)…

While removing risk with a guarantee or making it almost impossible for them to fail…

Sprinkling in a little immediate gratification however you can…

You’ve got the makings of an A-class offer!

Now that all sounds nice, but here are some steps to actually do it:

  1. Articulate what your prospects want most that you’re able to provide — double down on the most important vision in their minds. Not something that sounds nice… something they truly need that’s worth any amount of money needed to solve.

  2. Show them how you can help them achieve their long-term vision, but also present realistic goals they can achieve in a very short time; shoot for the shortest positive feedback loop you can and create clear milestones they can feel great about.

  3. Make it as easy as possible for them to achieve the results they want. The less risk involved  and the easier it is to succeed, the better your chances are of converting and keeping a new client!

Now let’s dive in even deeper into the art of crafting irresistible offers that leave your prospects eager to jump on board the transformation train!

First and foremost, to create a compelling offer, you need to articulate what your prospects want most, something that truly resonates with their deepest desires. 

This goes beyond offering something that sounds nice; it’s about addressing their core needs, something they genuinely need and are willing to invest any amount of money to solve. 

It’s about tapping into their pain points and demonstrating how your offering can be the solution they’ve been searching for.

But it doesn’t stop there. 

To truly captivate your prospects, you must show them how you can help them achieve their long-term vision. 

Paint a vivid picture of what their lives could look like with your guidance and expertise. However, don’t forget to balance it with realistic short-term goals. 

By shooting for the shortest positive feedback loop possible, you create a sense of accomplishment and progress. 

Break down the journey into clear milestones that they can celebrate along the way, keeping them engaged and motivated.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – risk. 

People are naturally wary of taking risks, especially when it comes to investing in themselves and their personal growth. 

That’s why it’s crucial to minimize the perceived risk associated with your offer. 

Consider offering a guarantee that instills confidence and trust in your prospects.

Show them that you believe in the transformative power of your coaching, and they have nothing to lose by embarking on this journey with you.

Additionally, make it as easy as possible for them to achieve the results they desire. Streamline the process, provide the necessary resources and support, and remove any barriers that could hinder their success. 

The more frictionless their experience is, the more likely they are to succeed and become long-term clients. Remember, your goal is not just to convert them but to retain them and create lasting relationships.

Now, let’s sprinkle in a little immediate gratification. Find ways to provide quick wins and tangible benefits early on in their coaching journey. 

This could be in the form of small victories, insights, or tools that they can implement right away to see positive changes in their lives. 

Immediate gratification keeps them motivated and reinforces their belief in your coaching and its transformative impact.

As you weave these elements together, you’ll have the makings of an A-class offer that is impossible for your prospects to resist. 

Remember to continually refine and optimize your offer based on feedback and results. The art of crafting irresistible offers is a dynamic process that requires constant adaptation and improvement.

So, my fellow coach, go forth and apply these principles to create offers that will leave your prospects eagerly saying, “Where do I sign up?” 

Your expertise, combined with the power of persuasive offers, will take your coaching business to new heights. Get ready to transform lives, make a lasting impact, and thrive in the ever-evolving world of coaching.

Now, armed with the knowledge and strategies to create irresistible offers, it’s time to unleash your full potential.

Embrace the art of articulation, and watch as your coaching business thrives like never before.

Keep innovating, keep refining, and keep delighting your prospects with offers they simply can’t resist. The world is waiting for your coaching brilliance, so go out there and make magic happen!

To your success.

The pulse

Latest Insights, News & Tools for Online Coaches

The 4 Stages of Competence in Sales – This article covers what you need to know to unlock your full potential as a sales professional, guiding you through challenges and empowering you to significantly reduce the time it takes to reach the pinnacle of success. 

Free Training To Discover Your Niche – It’s extremely difficult to stand out online, attract clients, and get paid for what you do. Inside, business coach Jason Moss will walk you through a proven, 4-step process he’s shared with thousands of coaches to help them figure out exactly what their niche is…

The Truth About Passive Income  – Is starting with a pile of money the only path to passive income? This new FREE Mini-Book will reveal a NEW passive income method. Get it today!

A MESSAGE FROM 7 Figure Newsletter

NEW Mini-Book: The Truth About Passive Income

We all know freelancing is a business and NOT passive income.

This new Mini-Book is about a NEW passive income method.

It’s called PIGGY-BANKING.

There are only 3 ingredients and only takes 22 pages to explain.

Right now, you get 8 pages to preview and decide if you want it.

If you do?

It’s super cheap.

Either way, just the free preview is so good you may not be able to sleep tonight…

All Aboard The Coaching Train

Offers make the world go ‘round

Found this issue fun and practically helpful?  Don’t be a stranger, reply and let us know what you thought!

If you’ve been selling what you do without packaging it just the right way, this one concept alone will make your life as a coach so much easier.

Because at our core, we don’t buy promises or ideas…

We buy offers.

And the better the offer you make (and deliver on, of course), the easier to sell and the happier the client.

A true win-win all around!

Understanding this is one thing… implementing it is another. So go implement and make some great coaching offers!


Until next time,

The Next Era Coach Team


How are you currently positioning yourself in the market, and how can you improve your unique selling proposition?


From SEO to paid traffic to social media influencers to affiliates – we’ve got it all for you.

Written By:

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Zachary J. Radford
Editor & Copy Chief Of