Headlines That Convert Scrollers Into Buyers


You’ve got the skills, the experience, and that undeniable passion to transform lives

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You’ve got the skills, the experience, and that undeniable passion to transform lives. But let’s be real – marketing your unique magic can be as tricky as finding a unicorn at a coffee shop.

Fear not coaches of the next era, for your friendly neighborhood newsletter is here to rescue you from the abyss of generic marketing strategies! 🦸‍♂️

Attention is a precious commodity these days. 

Your potential clients are playing dodgeball with marketing messages, and standing out has become the ultimate challenge. But fret not, for we’ve got the ultimate antidote to cure your marketing woes!

Today, we’ll delve into the secrets of captivating your audience with the power of words. 

Now, you might be wondering, “What’s the big deal about headlines?”

Well, my extraordinary coaching compatriots, headlines are the silver bullets that stop those scrollers in their tracks!

Think of it this way: your headline is like the magic potion that compels your potential customers to pause, take notice, and eagerly devour your every word. 😲

In today’s edition of The Deep Dive, we’ll reveal a foolproof method for crafting magnetic headlines that can work wonders on everything – articles, videos, emails, landing pages, and sales pitches.

It’s a headline extravaganza that’ll have you commanding attention and standing tall amidst the crowd ordinary coaches…

Tony Wang helps experts build and grow their online business using marketing strategies he learned in 12+ years of being an online entrepreneur and building an 8-figure advertising company, promoting brands like Uber, Lyft, King, HBO and more.

Headlines That Convert Scrollers Into Buyers

The Deep Dive by Tony Wang

You got the skills.

You got the experience.

You have the passion to transform lives. 

Yet, you struggle with the headache of distilling your value into content and marketing that converts to sales.

One of the easiest ways to solve this is learning to write great headlines. A great headline will stop people scrolling, and check out what you have to say for a moment. 

It won’t make you sales directly. But it’s the first step to getting your potential customers to notice you and want to work with you.

In this Deep Dive, you’ll learn a foolproof method that breaks down the art of creating magnetic headlines. You can use this for articles, video titles, email subject lines, landing pages, sales pages, virtually anything where you want people to stop what they’re doing and pay attention to you. 

When you apply this in your business, not only do you attract the RIGHT people, but you also distinguish yourself from everyone else in the crowded coaching industry.

You see, attention is more scarce than ever these days.

Everyone is competing for it. Your potential customers and clients are playing dodgeball when it comes to marketing and advertising. Plus, there’s so much free info out there that even quality content gets buried in the piles of other stuff out there. 

The cure for this? 

A great headline that draws people in and makes them itch to find out more. But the problem with a lot of copywriting and headlines tips out there is they give you a lot of formulas, which only take you so far if you’re missing the underlying principles.  

Most people overlook 2 crucial ingredients you must have before even starting to write a headline. It’s all about understanding your market awareness and sophistication.

This is the “stages of awareness” module by Eugene Schewartz, which I believe is one of the most important marketing lessons ever. I say this from my experience of writing copy for 10+ years and testing hundreds (if not thousands) of headlines on paid traffic. 

So before the “writing” part, you need to clearly understand…

1. How aware your reader is of their problem or a solution 

2. How sophisticated your market is

Then you want your headline to MATCH to that level of awareness and sophistication. 

Stages of Market Awareness – How Direct Should Your Headline Be?

In general, the more aware of your product or other products your market is, the more direct and specific you can be. 

If someone is already familiar with you and what you do, you don’t need to use a “benefit driven” headline. Simply state your offer. 

“On sale now – 20% off the Age Reversal Blueprint bundle”

This would work well for retargeting ads and emails. 

If they are not yet familiar with you, but aware of the general solution to their problem, you can get more specific. You can reference what they already know (or tried) and what makes you superior.

“Is this the healthier alternative to Keto?”

And if the market is less aware of the solution but understands their problem, you don’t want to mention your product because that will just turn them off. 

Remember, just like you, most people try to avoid ads and marketing messages.

“How to eliminate gut pain without a restrictive diet” 

Stages of Market Sophistication – How Unique Should Your Headline Be?

Markets are evolving faster than ever thanks to the internet.

A headline that converted like crazy 10 years ago will probably not work today.

Again, this is why it’s important to know the WHY behind writing headlines instead of using fill-in-the-blank templates.

As a market evolves and becomes more sophisticated, they become less responsive. Because they’ve seen and heard all the claims and are incredibly skeptical. Saying how your thing is faster and better just falls on deaf ears (even if it is).

20 years ago, you could use a very basic headline like “how to start your online business” and it would convert like crazy.

As the market gets more sophisticated, consider adding modifiers to make it more appealing. Faster, better, easier. 

How to start your business online in 14 days


How to start your 7-figure online business in 14 days


How to start your 7-figure online business in 14 days without investing a dime


How to start your 7-figure online business in 14 days and have your husband do more chores around the house

I added that last one in there to highlight the ridiculousness of these claims over time.

Eventually, the claims stop being believable. 

When a market reaches this point, people stop responding to your message. So you must introduce some sort of new mechanism, a new (and obviously legitimate) way your thing works to get your customer what they want.

“How to use AI to start a 7-figure online business”

Once a market reaches past this stage, marketing and advertising “stops working”. They’ve heard all the claims. They’ve been let down many times. Now, you need to stop making claims in your headlines and just call out your customer in your headline.

“What every dog owners should know about chew toys” 

So to sum up, the key here is to consider what stage of awareness and sophistication your target customer or client is in FIRST. It’s different for every market and this is where research comes in handy. 

Then, from there, you can start drafting headline ideas.

A pro tip is to stretch yourself and write at least 5-10 different headlines for each piece of content or marketing you create. Then just go with your instincts on the best one. 

If you follow these steps, you’ll have a much better headline than if you just jump straight to writing. It does take some extra mental effort taking these stages of awareness and sophistication into account. But once you know how to cut through the noise and get your ideal customers to pay attention to you (arguably one of the hardest parts), then scaling to 6-7 figures is just a matter of time.

If you’d like to learn more marketing and copywriting tips, then I invite you to join my private newsletter where I write about marketing, copywriting and personal growth. It’s for you if you’d like to grow your online business to 6-7 figures without grinding yourself into dust. Just mention you’re part of the Next Era Coach to get expedited. When a market reaches this point, people stop responding to your message. So you must introduce some sort of new mechanism, a new (and obviously legitimate) way your thing works to get your customer what they want.

The pulse

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 3 Secrets to Lower Stress (In As Fast As 30 Seconds) — This biomedical engineer turned integrative health pioneer has put together a simple (and effective!) pathway to reclaim control of your nervous system’s stress responses. Say goodbye to Fight, Flight, Freeze, and Appease. 👀

 Discover The Latest Marketing & Copywriting Tips – If you’d like to access a suite of tools and resources to help you achieve your goals with marketing, copywriting & personal growth then apply for Tony’s private newsletter.  

Groundbreaking “Lead Borrowing” Strategy That Brings In 10,000+ Subscribers At Once – Whether you want to rapidly scale your audience or grow your audience from zero (or non-existent), get his proven formula so you can generate thousands of warm leads in record time and for FREE.


How To Get Your Competition To “Donate” Their Lead & Audience To You

If you’re done with the grind of growing your audience one person at a time….

You are one Micro Summit away from having thousands of the best leads and prospects in your market being hand-delivered to you. 

In the online event space, Eric Z. Yang has been responsible for helping household name course creators add thousands of vetted subscribers straight from their competitor’s lists — ethically & at scale.

Whether you want to rapidly scale your audience or grow your audience from zero (or non-existent), get his proven formula so you can generate thousands of warm leads in record time and for FREE.

All Aboard The Coaching Train

The Grand Finale – Unleashing Your Coaching Brilliance!

And there you have it, coaches of the Next Era!

We’ve journeyed through the uncharted territories of magnetic headlines, traversed the treacherous terrains of market awareness and sophistication, and emerged victorious with the knowledge to conquer the coaching cosmos!

Picture this: You, strolling through the crowded coaching jungle with a headline so captivating that it stops clients in their tracks, like a deer caught in the headlights (but in a good way!). 🦌✨

And when the dust settles, you stand tall, a beacon of authenticity in a sea of marketers. Your magnetic headlines are a symphony of charm, drawing in your ideal clients.

So, dear coaches, remember this crucial secret as you embark on your headline crafting escapades: 

Be genuine, be daring, and above all, be yourself!

Because when you let your unique brilliance shine, the universe can’t help but take notice.

Now, go and lean into your newfound headline superpowers!

As the curtains fall on this edition, remember that your coaching brilliance knows no bounds. 

The world needs your gifts, your expertise, and your uncanny ability to change lives for the better.

Until next week! 

Keep shining bright like the coaching star you are!

The Next Era Coach Team


How are you currently positioning yourself in the market, and how can you improve your unique selling proposition?


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Written By:

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Zachary J. Radford
Editor & Copy Chief Of FunnelMemo.com