Getting Clients on Autopilot in 2023


Ever thought about turbocharging your coaching business with Facebook ads? 

Ever thought about turbocharging your coaching business with Facebook ads? 

Buckle up, because we’re about to take you on a rocket ride through the ins and outs of using Facebook paid ads to reel in new clients on autopilot.

Look, I get it –you might be thinking that implementing a Facebook ads strategy might feel overwhelming to…

.. or you’ve attempted to run ads with no success.

However, when done correctly & mixed together with your organic content, facebook ads become the jet fuel for your growth. 

More eyes on your offers mean more opportunities, and with paid ads, you can fast-track that exposure.

If you’re new to this world, navigating Facebook ads can be like exploring a new galaxy.

What if I told you that this journey doesn’t have to be a warp-speed leap into the unknown? 

Most folks who go all-in on ads without knowing the ropes tend to kiss their money goodbye. 

Today, we are going to deep dive into how you can leverage ads (in a smart & effective way) and transform your coaching business in 2023.🚀

Tony Wang helps experts build and grow their online business using marketing strategies he learned in 12+ years of being an online entrepreneur and building an 8-figure advertising company, promoting brands like Uber, Lyft, King, HBO and more.

Guide To Getting Clients on Autopilot with Facebook Ads 

The Deep Dive By Tony Wang

If you’re a coach who’s considering using paid ads to grow your business…

But you’re not sure how to get started…

Or you’re not sure if paid ads are a good idea in the first place…

Then this article will give you the full scoop on how to use Facebook paid ads to get new clients.

First you’ll learn whether running paid FB ads for your business is even a good idea. You’ll also learn a strategy that’s working right now in 2023, as well as common mistakes to avoid.

First, why paid ads? To me, they’re a shortcut. To get more sales and clients, you need more eyeballs on your offer.

You can do that organically through posting content and building an audience over time. Or you can shortcut that and pay for people’s attention. 

When I first learned about Facebook ads in 2012, I borrowed my mom’s credit card. (God bless her for just letting me use it without asking any questions).

Over the next month, I ran $10k of ad spend on her card. Luckily I made back double in revenue that very same month. I paid her back and now had enough cash flow to do everything on my own. 

These days, ad costs are much higher, and margins are lower. But the principle remains the same: When done right, paid ads can accelerate your business growth significantly.

So now the question becomes: How do I know if paid ads are right for me?

I would actually NOT recommend paid ads for most coaches.That’s because you need to know what you’re doing otherwise you can lose your shirt pretty quickly.

Most people who dabble in paid ads lose money. And if you don’t have a thick skin when it comes to losing money, then your energy is probably better spent elsewhere. 

Now for the bold and brave who want to do it anyways, I recommend having at least a $2,000 budget for testing.Again, expect to lose a lot of it. The mindset with paid ads is you are not trying to make money at first. You are simply testing and paying for data. This data could take weeks or months to collect organically. But you’re collecting it in days or weeks, so hence the price to pay.

So if you made it past those warnings and still eager to learn, then I applaud your valor. I’m going to give you what I believe is the best paid ads strategy for 2023 and has generated hundreds of paying customers for my businesses at a profit in the last 6 months. 

So first, let’s talk economics.

By economics, I mean your offers and price points.

While I have made it work, in the past I do not recommend launching ads directly to high ticket offers. There are a few reasons:

  1. With paid ads, your budget should be correlated to your price point. This means if you have a $10 offer, a testing budget of $100 is reasonable. But if your offer is say $3,000 then $100 is not enough. You might not even get a lead for $100. Your budget should double that, at $6,000. 

  2. Unless you’re retargeting, your ads will be shown to cold traffic – people who have never heard of you. This means the trust is not there yet. Unless you have a super solid brand already, it can be tough getting someone to fork over a few thousand right off the bat.

  3. Since most people cannot afford high ticket programs, it means you would be excluding at least 95% of your potential customers by having a high-priced program as the first way to work with you

So a much better model would be to create a low ticket offer as a front end product- like an ebook or course price between $5-50. Then you run ads to that. 

This works for a few reasons:

  1. You’re including more people now in your marketing. Meaning you’ll get someone who may not be ready to buy a high ticket from you now, but later they might. Ultimately, you end up with more paying customers. 

  2. Your product is a chance to show off your expertise and credibility, and start building trust

  3. You add upsells to your initial product so you increase the average order value. This allows you to make more money overall compared to just selling a high ticket program or a single front end product. 

Now you might think this is just a “funnel” but it goes way deeper than that.

You don’t want to throw together a low ticket product just for the sake of creating a low ticket product. You want to create a $1,000 product and sell it for $50.

If you think about it, this low ticket product will be the very first experience your customer has of you. That’s why you want to blow them away with value.

Give away your complete system and don’t hold anything back. They should be able to get the result they’re after if they implemented everything. 

Your upsells and backend will help them with the implementation. Here you can give away templates and done-for-you materials to make their lives easier. You can offer live coaching and live programs to help them implement what they learned in your low-ticket product. 

One downside to this model is you’ll get more lower quality customers who will cause headaches for you. That is always a downside of selling lower priced items. But you will also attract the people who will convert to your high ticket programs. (Case in point: I paid my business mentor 6 figures this year and I first got introduced to him through a $7 ebook).

So to summarize, the model is:

Ads → low ticket ($5-$50)→ upsells ($100 – $500)→ nurture → high ticket ($1,000+).

Now keep in mind you don’t absolutely NEED a high ticket program. You can also create a monthly recurring program or just sell other lower-priced products/services down the line.

Okay, now let’s get to the fun part: paid ads. I wanted to lay this as a foundation FIRST because if you have the wrong economic model, then it’s going to be much harder to make the ads work. 

As a coach, everyone is telling you to “niche, niche, niche”, but with paid ads you can go more broad. That’s because targeting options can be limited so you’ll have to go broad. 

This is a general testing strategy I like to use…

  1. First test different pain points your customer may have. Create 5 text-only ads, each with a different pain point, and run each for $5. (ie. “The worst part about my arthritis is I can’t play with my grandkids”). The goal is to find out which pain points they resonate with the most (these ads will have the highest click through rates). Those are the pain points you’ll want to mention in your content and marketing. 

  2. Next test interests. Take the best converting pain point ads and run them on 5 different interests for $5 each. This will allow you to find the best audiences for your campaign. 

  3. Next, test headlines. Write 5 different headlines (based on winning pain point) and run them on the winning interest for $5 each.

  4. Next, test images. Use the winning headline and audience. Again 5 images at $5 each. 

  5. Next, test ad copies. Write 5 ad copies and run for $5 each, combined with the best image, headline and in the best interest.

  6. Finally, combine all your winners and switch relaunch the campaign with a purchase goal and watch the sales roll in 🙂 

I know it’s a lot of steps and it’s not for the faint of heart. But doing it this way allows you to create a killer ad that has the best chance of getting customers a profit, or at the very least break even. And as long as you can get new customers at break even, then you have a steady stream of new leads as you optimize your backend. 

Whew! I know this was a long article and we went pretty deep. But I wanted to hold nothing back and show you the entire process for creating a winning FB ads campaign that’s generating new customers for your business on autopilot. 

If you want to learn more about the specifics of the strategy or want me to fill in any missing gaps, I invite you to join my private newsletter, which you can apply for on

Just mention you’re part of Next Era Coach to get expedited.

The pulse

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If you only you could catch a break from it. 

Well, with the BALM method you can. 

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All Aboard The Coaching Train

Test, Tweak, Triumph!

We’ve covered some serious ground today.

From ad economics to the art of grabbing attention, you’re armed with some serious knowledge. 

Facebook ads are not just about marketing; they’re a fascinating mirror reflecting your business’s soul. 

The data, the reactions, the click-throughs – they’re telling tales about what your audience loves and what makes them scroll past.

It’s like your business is whispering its secrets to you through the language of pixels and analytics.

So we’ll leave you with this: Embrace the challenge of testing, tweaking, and tinkering. It’s like being a mad scientist in a lab coat, except your experiments involve images, headlines, and witty ad copy.

For now, it’s time to wrap up this chapter. Keep dreaming big, coaching bigger, and remember – the ads you launch are like digital breadcrumbs guiding new clients straight to your door. 🥳

Catch you on the next adventure, Coach! Keep rocking those ads and changing lives, one click at a time. 👊🎉


Until next time,

The Next Era Coach Team


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Zachary J. Radford
Editor & Copy Chief Of