Skyrocket Your Workshop Attendance Rate, Engagement, & Sales


As a coache, your mission extends far beyond sharing your knowledge…

As a coache, your mission extends far beyond sharing your knowledge…

It’s about forging genuine connections, driving actionable insights, and nurturing profound transformations. 

Traditional marketing methods often fall short in utilizing these vital elements and miss out on potential clients…

Enter workshops and webinars – platforms where knowledge transcends mere information sharing! 

This is where your future clients get to fully experience the potent YOU.

Consider the impact: a well-crafted workshop or webinar extends an invitation to your audience, encouraging them to invest not only their time but their commitment and energy. 

Whether you are a new or a seasoned coach, you are going to love today’s Deep Dive.

Today, we are deep diving into the secret from the top 1% of coaches on successfully marketing workshops

When coaches orient to this New Model, attendance rates soar, and participants are no longer distant spectators; they become enthusiastic co-creators of their journey who are willing to opt-into whatever offer comes their way.

Let’s dive in! 🚀 

The Deep Dive: A New Model For Your Marketing Your Coaching Workshop That Will Skyrocket Attendance Rate, Engagement, & Sale

You know how we promised you an example of a business that crushed it as soon as they moved away from producing and marketing free content all the damn time?

It’s called the Ask Method.

The company, led by Ryan Levesque, were running free webinars as their main model of lead generation.

But their success was capped because their attendance rates weren’t great.

And nothing they did ever made a meaningful difference to grow the metric.

After testing everything, Ryan was about to throw in the towel and say “webinars are dying so guess it’s time to find the next thing….”

Before they cut the cord completely, the team decided to do one last test.

Instead of offering free content aimed at people seeking information or education….

…they offered low cost content that promised a very specific outcome, result, or benefit. 

The company started to charge $25 to signup for a live online event.

(Typically called Workshops, Premium Trainings, Masterclasses, etc)

They also increased the length of the event

Instead of trying to jam everything (including the sales pitch and call to action) into an hour (or less!)…

…pitching to an audience full of half invested people half paying attention….

The company delivered a 2+ hour interactive workshop where nearly everyone showed up and nearly everyone actively engaged.

After delivering a valuable experience, they shared one of the company’s “core offers”; a $2,499 bootcamp program.

People were invited to stay to hear more or ask questions or were free to drop and to expect the recording in the next couple of days.

(Way better vibes than the traditional VSL or live training pitch model IMO)

With their old “free content” model, their attendance rate was around 36%.

And only 26% stuck around to see the offer.

In the new paid workshop model, attendance peaked at 96%

And 92% stayed until the end to see the bootcamp offer!….

Their “offer viewership rate” increased by more than 3.5x….

And, on average, the leads seeing the offer are much higher quality. They started out as “buyers”.

Plus these buyers then got to experience a better, more valuable, and more engaging initial interaction with the business.

Certainly helps to create better conditions to help inspire their customers’ desire for more great experiences with the company

Successful Entrepreneurs Aren’t Afraid to Break the Norm

No doubt, The Ask Method definitely does bring in fewer total registrants than the free model does.

A smaller percent of the overall market are clear on their problem and are looking for someone to help them solve it at any given time.

But they are the highest quality leads. They are invested and they SHOW UP.

These attendees aren’t like dating teenagers half-watching Captain America on Disney+….

These are Marvel fanatics dressed up on opening night, clutching their inflatable shields with glee  🦸🏽  🦸🏼‍♂️

The Ask Method was more profitable and less wasteful because the business didn’t attract thousands of tire kickers each month who clogged up the CRM and the support inbox with no intent to buy….. 

And more scalable too.

In fact, their new workshops now make… puts pinky finger to lips*

Over one million dollars for the business every month!

The moral of this story is not that you should stop giving away free content.

Many top marketers and businesses have successfully used that strategy.

The takeaway is to examine the ROI of your marketing efforts.

Really look at it. Even if it hurts.

The Goal?

Make sure you’re getting enough bang for your buck.

The pulse

Latest Insights, News & Tools for Online Coaches

 How To Create An Offer People “Line-Up-Around-The-Block” To Buy— With this increasing influx of content on the ever-expanding internet, standing out from the crowd has never been more challenging. Sales and messaging expert, Holly MacCue, has a strategy that will help you cut through the noise and build your business amidst the chaos.

 Master ANY AI Tool: Outperform 99% of Copywriters, Content Creators, and Designer— 1 in every 5 entrepreneurs now use AI in their business. But 1 in every 47 knows how to actually use it effectively. What do they do differently? … they use a skill called ‘prompt engineering’ to take control of ANY AI tool’s behavior and turn it into an expert with years of experience. And AI.Simple has created The AI Powered Entrepreneur on exactly how to do it.

 Break Free From Trading Time For Money In Your Service-Based Business— Unlock the secrets to amplifying your income, enhancing client satisfaction, and igniting your business growth.This free live training is perfect for service-based business owners who are looking to step into the next level


Are you tired of trading time for money in your service-based business? 

Imagine if you could skyrocket your income without piling more onto your already busy schedule. 

Well, it’s time to break free and discover a whole new level of success!

Join us for an exclusive free live training session that will revolutionize the way you approach your service-based business. 

Get ready to unlock the secrets to amplifying your income, enhancing client satisfaction, and igniting your business growth.

This enlightening training is tailor-made for service-based business owners just like you. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, this session is a must-attend.

All Aboard The Coaching Train

The Workshop Magic Is Real!

Alright, coaches of The Next Era, you’ve just witnessed the magic of workshops in action! 

From the Ask Method’s game-changing shift to the electrifying engagement rates — workshops aren’t just your run-of-the-mill events; they’re the VIP backstage pass to coaching success!

Now, before you start imagining yourself on a stage with confetti cannons and screaming fans (hey, who says coaching can’t have a little rockstar vibe?), let’s take a moment to reflect. 

Workshops aren’t just about showing up and dazzling your audience (although that’s part of the fun)… 

They’re about creating connections, igniting curiosity, and guiding your clients towards their ‘Aha!’ moments.

So, coaches of the Next Era, remember this: workshops are your invitation to step into the spotlight and share your wisdom. They’re the platform where you inspire, empower, and lead others towards transformation.

Let’s not forget the best part – they’re a ticket to boosting your coaching business and making a splash in the coaching universe.

As you bid adieu to this edition, take that newfound workshop wisdom and run with it. 

Design your own immersive experiences, craft your captivating narratives, and let your coaching brilliance shine like a supernova.

Keep dreaming big, coaching bold, and wowing the world, one workshop at a time!

Until next time,

The Next Era Coach Team


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Written By:

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Zachary J. Radford
Editor & Copy Chief Of