A timeless selling technique that magnetizes clients


Today, we’re diving deep into the skills behind a timeless technique that not only sharpens your voice but magnetizes your ideal clients straight to your doorstep.

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Today, we’re diving deep into the skills behind a timeless technique that not only sharpens your voice but magnetizes your ideal clients straight to your doorstep.

Ever think about why some stories just stick? 

Like that fairytale, you heard as a kid. Or those speeches that give you chills. And, of course, classic songs.

It’s simple… 

They connect with our hearts. They feel real. They make us nod and say, “Yep, I get that.”

This is the power of great writing. 

When writing is done right, it feels like a chat with a good friend.

Your reader should think “Wow, they get me!” and fill them with emotion. 

They connect with it, and in turn, they connect with YOU!

And, at the end of the day… 


Now look, you don’t have to be the next Shakespeare or J.K. Rowling. 

But like anything, when writing, there are things you do and don’t do. 

So in today’s deep dive, we’ll unveil techniques to elevate your writing, ensuring it connects with your audience and drives more sales.

⏬⏬ Check Out Today’s Deep Dive Below ⏬⏬

Tony Wang helps experts build and grow their online business using marketing strategies he learned in 12+ years of being an online entrepreneur and building an 8-figure advertising company, promoting brands like Uber, Lyft, King, HBO and more.

6 Tips To Uplevel Your Writing For More Sales

The Deep Dive by Tony Wang

In today’s super competitive world, everyone is trying to grab attention. 

As a coach who wants to stand out in the “sea of sameness”, good writing is a secret weapon many people forget about. 

Here’s whyGetting better at writing isn’t just a “nice to have”, it’s a must-have. 

Writing is a core vehicle to convey your ideas and message. 

And even if video content is your bread and butter, there’s always a percentage of your audience who prefer to read instead of watch a video (I happen to be one of those boomers people). 

These 5 easy-to-implement tips will help you uplevel your writing, making it more engaging, clear, and persuasive. 

When you apply them, you’ll be able to create emails, articles, or social media posts that not only capture people’s interests but connect with them on an emotional level, building trust and making you make more sales. 

And even if you think you’re not a good writer, or you bombed English class, these tips can help you turn that around in no time. 

Tip #1 – Emotional 

If you want to connect with your readers, write to their hearts, not just their minds. The key to doing this? Talk about your feelings and their feelings. 

Don’t be afraid to stir up their emotional hot buttons – guilt, flattery, anger, pride, greed, fear, pride, and insecurity. 

Think about what’s the dominant emotional state your reader is in, and connect with that. 

Tip #2 – Casual  Here’s one of the best copywriting tips I’ve ever gotten: Write like you’re talking to a good friend. 

This means using slang, idioms, and common phrases that show you’re a real human being- not just a business. Many people get in their heads when they have to write some sort of sales promotion. 

They think they need to be slick like Jordan Belfort, the Wolf of Wall Street. Instead, imagine you’re writing a letter to your mom, a dear friend, or someone you care about deeply. 

Imagine they’re struggling with a problem that you know you help them solve. 

Channel your inner friend instead of a salesperson.

Tip #3 – Simple

Here’s a surprising fact: According to the Literacy Project, the average American reads at a 7th – 8th-grade level. 

What this means is, if your writing reads like a college essay or technical report, you’re going to lose a lot of people. Instead of having long, complex sentences, use shorter, choppier ones. 

Cut out redundant words. Replace big words with common ones. 

A great tool you can use is the Hemmingway App, which reveals exactly where your sentences are confusing and hard to read. I recommend using this tool to quickly edit your writing before publishing it. 

Tip #4 – Transitions 

This is probably not a surprise, but people’s attention spans are getting shorter due to device usage. 

This means you’ll want to “rehook” people within your writing. 

One of the easiest ways to do this is with transitions between paragraphs. 

Starting new paragraphswith words like “and”, “but”, “here’s” and “how”. These words have a psychological effect that keeps people reading. 

Tip #5 – Style

Don’t be afraid to add some personality to your writing. This makes you more memorable and creates a stronger connection. 

This means telling jokes, opinions, and stories from your day. 

People love to be entertained, and if you can do that while also teaching and inspiring them, you’ll become a trusted authority in their eyes fast. 

Tip #6 – You 

Everyone’s favorite word is their own name. So if you want to have people pay attention, use plenty of “you” and “your” instead of “me” and “our”. 

When writing to brand new audiences who don’t know you as well, talk less about yourself and more about them and their hopes, dreams, needs,  and wants.

Once they have invested a little more (ie. joined your newsletter), you can start talking about yourself, sharing stories, opinions, and so on. 

So, there you have it—writing better can truly change the game for your coaching business. 

Don’t forget, even the best athletes in the world still need a coach, and your future clients are out there waiting to hear what you have to say. 

With the tips you’ve learned in this article, you’ve got what it takes to write in a way that speaks to people clearly and helps you grow your business. It’s not as hard as it seems; you just need to start. 

If you’d like to learn more tips on how to improve your writing for more sales, I invite you to join my private newsletter where I write about marketing, copywriting and personal growth. It’s for you if you’d like to grow your online business to 6-7 figures without grinding yourself into dust.

Just mention you’re part of the Next Era Coach to get expedited.


The “Almost Magical” Marketing Funnel Strategy

If you look around right now there are two types of coaches…

The ones who chase clients, post on social media all day, send hundreds of cold DMs…and yet can’t get enough of the RIGHT leads. They have no stability and struggle to scale their business…

The other type just checks their Stripe sales as confirmation that they have an abundance of qualified leads and clients coming to their business as it scales with ease month over month.

Live on Thursday, September 14th, renowned marketing & business growth expert Scott Oldford will show you how to attract more leads than you’ll know what to do with.

The pulse

Latest Insights, News & Tools for Online Coaches

 Struggling to Attract Clients Daily? Don’t Lose Revenue! — Dive into the article by business guru Angela Henderson. Unearth effective strategies to consistently pull in leads and transform them into loyal clients, without the constant chase.

How To Get Your Needs Met (Without Pushing Them Away….) —  Free masterclass from world renowned love and relationships coach Sami Wunder. Discover how to get all of your needs fully met in a romantic relationship from a place of true love and service (and never from feelings of obligation)


The Premier Summit For Online Business Owners [Free Ticket!]

From September 18 – 22, over 50 top experts in the online business world will be sharing the latest and greatest in strategy, tactics, & tools that propelled them to success.

Speakers include founders & CEOs of 7, 8, and 9 figure businesses (including the co-founder of a SaaS company that raised an $82M Series B round last year).

Sessions will cover topics across the main pillars of operating a successful business:

Marketing. Sales. Product. Operations. Finance. Mindset.

You can claim a ticket for free now & attend the sessions that are most valuable and relevant to your business right now.

All Aboard The Coaching Train

Wow, we’ve just cruised through some seriously handy writing tips! 

Think of them like tools in your toolbox for making genuine connections. And remember, it’s all about keeping things relaxed – like chatting with a pal.

We’re sending you a HUGE thank you for hanging out with us today. 

Your commitment to growth is inspiring, and we’re super grateful you chose us to be a part of your journey. 🙏

Now, I’ve got a little secret for you… next issue? It’s going to be 🔥!

Can’t spill all the beans, but let’s just say, if you found today’s tips useful, you’re gonna be blown away by what’s coming. 

So, keep an eye on that inbox!

And , if this newsletter lit up your day, think about which friend might benefit from it too. 

Sharing is caring, after all. 😉

Go on, give them a nudge – they’ll probably thank you later.

Till the next time, keep shining, keep writing, and never stop being awesome!

Thanks For Reading

Next Era Coach


How are you currently positioning yourself in the market, and how can you improve your unique selling proposition?


From SEO to paid traffic to social media influencers to affiliates – we’ve got it all for you.

Written By:

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Zachary J. Radford
Editor & Copy Chief Of FunnelMemo.com