The Real Reason Prospects Say “I Don’t Have the Money”


Sales are the backbone of any coaching business.

And improving your sales process is one of the fastest ways to increase your revenue.

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Sales are the backbone of any coaching busines. 

And improving your sales process is one of the fastest ways to increase your revenue. 

Sometimes even the subtlest tweaks can create the biggest results — and once you know what works, it becomes your superpower 💪🏻

Every coach has dealt with the dreaded ‘money objection’ when speaking to a potential client. 

But did you know there are different types of money objections? And that what people often say the problem is, isn’t always true?

In today’s Deep Dive, I’m sharing how you can discern which money objections your potential clients actually have, so you can respond appropriately and close more sales…

Allowing you to increase your sales ratio and continually finesse your offer, so it’s easier and easier for ideal clients to say YES.

👇Let’s dive in  👇

Emily Utter is a business coach, sales trainer, and creator of the Sales Power system for coaches. 

She teaches coaches how to attract high-level clients with fully-expressed marketing and messaging resulting in them selling their services confidently and ethically, without using sleazy or forceful tactics.

With over 8 years of experience and hundreds of success stories, Emily is transforming the way the coaching industry does sales

How To Handle Money Objections On A Sales Call
The Deep Dive By Emily Utter

So believe it or not — there are 2 different types of money objections you may come across when speaking with potential clients,

➡️ Knowing how to spot the difference (and respond accordingly) can make ALL the difference in your sales.

Most coaches make the mistake of believing their prospects’ literal words when they say, “I don’t have the money…” 

But the truth is — there’s a lot of nuance here, so I’m going to spell out the differences, AND show you how to respond, once you know which objection is really holding your potential client up.

The first type of money objection presents when your potential client legitimately does not have the money they need to invest with you readily available.

Their bank account balance is lower than the price you’re quoting.

Pretty straightforward.

However, this does NOT mean they can’t problem solve, and go find the money themselves, if they had the drive and determination to figure it out.

We’ve all heard epic stories of people finding money they didn’t have, making an investment that paid off, or suddenly coming into unexpected winnings. Maybe that’s even been YOU!

Or maybe you’ve worked with clients who created money miracles in order to invest with you… I certainly have.

But these aren’t common, nor are they easy to overcome as a salesperson.

But the second type of money objection could com-plete-ly change your sales game, if you grasp what I’m about to share.

This money objection presents when your potential client says “I don’t have the money,” but what they really mean is… 

They don’t have the money FOR YOU.

This could mean one of several things, but most commonly:

  1. They don’t see value in what you’re offering, so they “don’t have the money for it” (even when they have 5x what you’re asking for sitting in savings)

  2. They’re confused by your offering, and can’t justify spending money on you because they don’t understand what they’ll get or experience

  3. You’ve left them with seed(s) of doubt about whether or not you can deliver what you’ve promised, because they sense a lack of confidence or alignment

But the good news is…

There IS a solution to these challenges.

When your potential client has the first type of money objection — “I legit do not have this money in front of me,” it’s really up to them to figure it out — or not.

Humans are capable of doing remarkable, miraculous things, but you can’t want it more than they do.

But in the second type of money objection case…

YOU, my friend, can fix this “sales problem.”

In addition to clearer messaging, the BIGGEST shift YOU can make to your sales call process is HOW you make the offer.

When a potential client is raising money objections, it’s often due to a lack of clarity. They’re wondering “What the heck am I being offered?!”

If you’ve ever received a money objection, only to find out later that they invested with someone else (and worse… someone with a higher price tag), pay attention to this part of your sales process. 

➡️ “So how do I figure out which type of money objection I’m working with, so I can then solve it?”

It’s easy… ASK THEM.

Try saying something like this: “Is it okay if I follow up with a question about the money aspect?”

Then, once you have their permission, ask them something along the lines of, “Is it because you don’t have this amount of money available to you, or is it because you’re not sure if what I’ve offered is the right fit?”

Depending how your potential client answers, you’ll be able to discern which type of objection they have.

If your potential client truly doesn’t have the money available, your job is done here. They can decide how badly they want the solution, and figure it out —  or not. I recommend you let the client take this responsibility on, instead of you taking on the responsibility of their ability to get resourceful.

But after almost a decade of coaching clients on the sales process, I’ve found the #1 cause of all objections — including money objections — generally comes from a LACK OF CLARITY from the salesperson.

Meaning that, when they describe their offer, it’s still unclear WHAT it actually is, and how it can directly support the potential client in front of them.

So until you clean up confusing or unclear aspects of your sales messaging, you’ll continue to create unnecessary barriers, restricting ideal clients from saying an easy ‘YES’ to working with you. 

Was this conversation an eye-opener? This is just 1 of the topics I’ll be teaching on in-depth, at my upcoming FREE online sales intensive that I’m hosting LIVE on Friday, September 29th.

You can check out the details and sign up for free here.

Thanks for deep-diving with me!

~ Emily Utter.


Tired of missing out on family time because your team can’t grow your business without you?

If your team can’t execute predictably without you always being involved… 

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You can’t sell your way out of an operational problem.

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Scaling doesn’t need to be hard and family time doesn’t need to come second. 

Download the free playbook and give the step-by-step processes to your team to start implementing today.

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Latest Insights, News & Tools for Online Coaches

 Boost Your Coaching Launch in 5 Steps – Discover the secrets to revitalizing a slow start. Master sales messaging, showcase value, build trust, address concerns, and harness social proof. Turn every launch into a success story. Perfect for ambitious coaches. Click the link above and dive in!

➦  Create “Talk Of The Town” Client Transformations – Health & fitness coaches: dive into the overlooked areas that produce stand-out results. Our FREE Check-In Checklist serves as the foundation for exceptional results, every time.

VIDEO: “The Art Of Slowing Down. Discover the mindset shift of serving over selling, transcend the aggressive tactics, and embrace a strategy that resonates authenticity and connection. Essential for coaches committed to genuine growth. Dive into more secrets of authentic selling today.


Want More Leads, More Sales, And More Money In Your Account Every Single Day?

You’ve been working you’re 🍑 off….and you probably already feel like you’re doing all the things…

But hard work alone doesn’t make a successful business.

In fact, too much hard work focused on the wrong things (or in the wrong order) will lead to frustration, burnout, and possibly the end of your business.

Every day, coaches give their time and energy to things that just simply do not bring in leads and sales.

But it doesn’t have to be that way for you….instead you can discover how to:

All Aboard The Coaching Train

I hope you enjoyed today’s insights.

Next time you get a money objection, we hope you see it as an opportunity, rather than a challenge.

Take a deep breath, and get curious…

Simply ask your prospect the suggested questions Emily suggested.

If it seems like money was only an excuse…

Give them the clarity they need to understand the VALUE of your offer to THEM. So the price becomes a no-brainer 😉 

And speaking of No-brainers. Our next issue coming up next week is one for the books. So don’t miss out as we’ve got even more golden nuggets to help your coaching business grow and thrive!

For now…

See You Soon!

Next Era Coach


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Zachary J. Radford
Editor & Copy Chief Of