How to Generate Clients From FB Groups


I’m going to take a shot in the dark here and say you’re the type of coach who LOVES to know yourself better.

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I’m going to take a shot in the dark here and say you’re the type of coach who LOVES to know yourself better. 

Your strengths. Your weaknesses. Your unique genius and how you think differently from most.

Because knowing your personality type helps you figure out who you naturally are, and how you show up best, as you, not as a 3rd rate version of someone else.

Which is why, after 8 years of being the go-to expert on Facebook Groups, Christina Jandali (aka Deliver Your Genius) discovered 3 unique Facebook group host personality types.

Embracing them helps you:

  • Create content with more ease

  • See an increase in engagement

  • People will naturally gravitate towards you!

This means more registrations for your trainings & events and higher show-up rates because you’re magnetizing your people… the RIGHT people. 

Find Out YOUR Facebook Personality Type in Today’s Deep Dive 👇💰

Christina Jandali (aka Deliver Your Genius) is a self-made millionaire and Business Growth Strategist, helping coaches and course creators develop scalable profits and a dedicated fan base through free Facebook groups. Initiating her venture during maternity leave, Christina has empowered thousands globally to build their profitable powerhouses, blending confidence enhancement with actionable insights.

Facebook Group Hosts: What Personality Type Are You? 


Today’s Deep Dive By Deliver Your Genius

The personality type you resonate with most is perfect who you are. 

Lean into the strength of your personality type and look at where you get to grow.

Remember: No personality type is better than another. Don’t try to be someone you’re not.

With that said, let’s dive in!

The Interviewer

You’re driven by research. You love to learn and gather the best of the best information.

Your zone of genius is being able to recognize the genius in others. Plus, you have an unique ability to filter a lot of information and distill it down simply for others.

Being inside The Interviewer’s Facebook Group means you’ll get lots of information that will help you shorten the learning curve. 

They’ll give you summarized and simplified versions of information that you’ve been looking for.

Since the interviewer is constantly learning, you’re always up to speed about what’s shifting in the industry. Often, you’re predicting what’s going to happen based on the information you’re gathering.

However, the downside of The Interviewer is that you elevate and shine a light on other experts so much that you forget that you’re an expert too. 

You forget that you’re the host, the leader and the authority of your Facebook Group, and your people have requested to join to learn from YOU. 

Not anyone else. Not the expert you daydream about. Y-O-U.

When you forget that you’re also an expert, you start to devalue who you are… especially because things come so naturally to you.

Eventually, that leads you to feeling like a fraud, or an impostor. Someone who doesn’t have anything “new” to offer to the industry. 

And finally, when a bright shiny new idea comes to your head, you hesitate. You question if that’s the right thing to do, and you sit on indecision… Telling yourself you’re waiting for the right time.

Then one day comes and you realize someone literally created the exact same idea you had, and are being praised for a thing that you thought of first… months ago! Eek!

If you’re an interviewer, own that you are an expert. Create content that plays on your strengths, yes, but don’t forget to tell new people about it and expand your reach.

People are literally requesting to be part of your community.

You have the golden opportunity to search, seek out, and gel all the research information and create new things for your people… plus, you can deliver it in a tidy consumable package.

People LOVE to learn from you, and you get to own that more people need you.

But they’ve got to be able to find you. Your priority will be to focus on growth strategies.

Think about it, once you grow your group, you can confidently say “I am the creator of XYZ group”

And because you view the industry in a different lens than everyone else…

Isn’t it time to let people see what is unseen?

If you want to generate more new members into your group, so you can help more people, keep reading and I’ll share how…

The Girl Next Door / The Friend Next Door

You love social media by nature. After all, you put the ‘social’ in social media!

You love to share everything that you’ve got going on. What’s working, what’s not working… You wear your heart on your sleeve. 

You thrive on being extroverted – you’re always engaging, always talking. 

You feed on the energy of other people. Naturally, that means you tend to have a very highly engaged community. (Way to go!)

Being inside The Friend Next Door’s facebook group means you’ll always feel connected to, listened to. The place is full of transparency, no fakeness. 

The downside of this personality type is that you have a discomfort in selling. 

Since connection comes so naturally to you, you see a major difference between connecting and selling to your people. 

As soon as you’re putting out an offer, you pull back. You shy away. 

You block yourself from that engaging, loving Facebook group host and start telling yourself stories like you hate being sleazy or salesy.

Everytime you’re pitching an offer, you feel off. You pull back. You feel inauthentic and salesy – you wonder why it’s so hard to get yourself out of the “friendzone.”

And what happens is you start resenting your community, for always taking you for granted.

You show up rain or shine, you care about them deeply… But it never feels like they reciprocate. They just want it all free, free, free.

When you start resenting your community, you show up less… You start thinking that maybe social media isn’t the right space for you. 

The once social butterfly starts diminishing her light because her offers are always falling on deaf ears.

And the once engaged group starts dropping activity like flies because you’re showing up less… so you either:

  1. Restart an entirely new facebook group and see the same cycle again

  2. Completely quit and tell yourself that it’s not worth the hassle.

If you’re The Friend Next Door – GREAT! I’m glad I caught you before you make any drastic choices.

Ask yourself this:

What if selling was serving? 

When someone buys into your offer, they’re choosing a breakthrough for themselves and yes, they are choosing YOU to be part of their solution. 

The key word is “choice.”

You’re not forcing a friend into a customer, you’re creating a close-knit relationship where you can be a stand and guide for their transformation. 

You create choice for them by posting content that creates demand for you and your products and services.

After all, you got into the coaching industry to make an impact and help solve problems for your ideal audience. There’s truly no one out there who has a heart for people like you.

When you lean into your strengths of the natural connector, and allow yourself to be neutral with selling, and set up systems for selling, you’ll see the REAL impact that you’re making.

That impact you dreamed about when you started this business!

The Leader

You’re laser focused on what you want, and you have a clear mission. If people aren’t willing to come along for the ride, that’s okay! They’re not your people anyway. 

You don’t settle for mediocrity. 

You’ve created followers within your Facebook Group through a high degree of leadership, and you’re unapologetic about it. 

Leaders tend to be very black or white with their people, which in turns creates a ton of raving fans. Anyone who loves and follows The Leader, cling on to every word they’ll say.

The downside, however, is that The Leader lacks empathy for people who don’t see it your way… who don’t make decisions enough… those who don’t take action fast enough…those who are not all in 100% of the time. 

You lack patience to enroll people who don’t immediately get your mission.

You don’t want to waste your time to re-engage people who got disconnected and can’t keep pace with you.

Eventually, it means that some of your audience falls by the wayside and feel left out of your vision.

And when anyone is falling behind, they’ll start thinking you don’t care… And they’ll look for someone who actually does. 

But I know that’s not you, and not what you’re intending to do.

In fact, you care deeply. But you just don’t know how to convey that level of care for your people… because you are always focused on your next achievement. 

As Facebook group hosts, I know you crave connection with your people. 

But it’s hard to get over the getting-to-know-you fluffy phase. 

The good news is you don’t need to be. You just need a system to engage. This is called the engagement mechanism.

In my upcoming Engage Your Group training series, I’ll show you my exact engagement mechanism on how you can use your personality type to grow, engage and convert your Facebook group members into real paying clients.



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Tired of watching your Facebook Group growth crawl at a snail’s pace?  

What if I told you no more refreshing your page waiting for the follower count to go up…

WITHOUT ever having to put on a different persona and feeling icky about being anyone other than you! 

In my upcoming Engage Your Group training series, I’ll show you how to use your specific personality type to grow, engage and convert your Facebook group members into REAL paying clients.

Yep. Start seeing your ideal clients draw towards you authentically and explode your audience growth and engagement!

All Aboard The Coaching Train

Recognizing the unique strengths and challenges of your Facebook Group host personality type is empowering

Whether you’re the Interviewer, the Friend Next Door, or the Leader… 

There’s a perfect balance waiting to be struck, and a group of eager learners longing to be reached. 😁

Every personality type is a treasure trove of insights. 

Each has its unique style and magic. 

The key is to find the harmony between who you naturally are and the growth avenues that lie ahead.

Don’t let imposter syndrome or doubts shadow your brilliance. 

Embrace your uniqueness and trust that, in the vast world of social media, there’s a group that resonates with your authentic voice. 

You have a gift, and the world needs to hear it.

Remember you’re not alone in this journey. 

The Next Era Coach community is right here alongside you, eager to uplift and support you on this journey.

Keep shining, keep engaging, and above all, keep being you. 

The world needs your unique brand of genius.

Thanks for tuning in.


Stay golden,

Next Era Coach


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Zachary J. Radford
Editor & Copy Chief Of