Engage every viewer with the ‘Million Dollar Hook’ formula


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Is your content betraying you ?

You pour time, energy and passion into creating it, only to be rewarded with a handful of likes (and let’s be honest… many are just from family and friends).

It’s gut-wrenching after all that effort, and all you can think is… why, why, why? 

First, know that this isn’t a reflection of your knowledge or abilities. 

The content game is super competitive, and you’re probably battling with seasoned professionals. 

That’s why we’ve decided to help you out, and even the playing field.

By bringing in Andrew Reed and his ‘Million Dollar Hook’ for today’s Deep Dive.

After posting the equivalent of 4 reels/day for a year, he’s mastered the perfect hook. 

Which is currently responsible for transforming videos from mere blips on the digital radar… to viral sensations dominating news feeds.


Dive into Andrew’s ‘Million Dollar Hook’ below 🪝 


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Shrug off the “shoulds,” remember what matters, and weed out whatever is stunting your growth.

Today’s Deep Dive Guest Writer

Andrew Reed is a global personal development and parenting leader. He is the founder of RED5 Productions — a renowned production company known for its innovative visual narratives and quality team. With over 200 seminars and retreats produced worldwide, over 1,500 social media spots made just this year, and multiple commercials for household names, including Garmin International, he and RED5 have a proven track record of propelling businesses into the spotlight.

The Million Dollar Hook

(is that what you’ll make, or what it’ll cost you…?)

What if I told you that you should always have dessert before dinner? 

Well, that’s exactly what a captivating hook in your content can do — entice people. 

Giving your audience the punchline before the joke might seem counterintuitive to traditional marketing and storytelling tactics… 

But in the digital world, you have seconds to captivate someone’s attention.

And if there’s one thing I’ve learned from producing over 1,500 social media shorts over the last year, it’s this: 

The 💰💰 is IN your hook

Why Those First Moments Are E-very-thing

“Okay Andrew, I hear you… so how can I grab attention better?” 

Let’s start by looking at what makes a good hook. Because it’s more than just a flashy start. 

A good hook is a potent blend of intrigue, surprise and resonance. 

It’s about hitting the right notes, challenging the norm, and offering a fresh perspective that makes the viewer pause and think, “I need more.”

Play on the human need to know more, their morbid curiosity… let them kill the (metaphorical) cat! 

Additional Tip #1: Make it personal. Use a variation of “you” in the first few seconds. Trust me — it works.

Additional Tip #2: Give your audience a reason to wait until the end, using phrases like “…the last one will surprise you” or “Wait for it…” Test different words and calls to action to see what fits your content.

When You’re Crafting That Perfect Hook, Remember To…

👉  Address Pain Points: Understand your audience’s challenges and give a fresh perspective.

“Ever wish your ‘aha’ moments came easier? The key is simpler than you think…”

“Feel like you’re talking to a wall? Spoiler: You are…”

👉  Be Unexpected: Challenge the status quo. Make them think.

“Fluff is for pillows, not for content. Here’s why you’re really losing clients…”

“Be honest, you might act like it, but you have no idea what you’re doing…”

👉  Keep It Concise: Clarity is key. Make every word count.

“I ditched the script, and tripled my profit…”

“You’re going to fail if you’re not doing these 4 things…” 

👉  Stimulate Curiosity: Tease just enough to keep them hooked.

“Ever thought your ambition might actually be a con artist?”

“Want to know why I give $10K away every month?” 

👉  Stay Authentic: Let genuine passion and expertise shine through.

“Do you know the magic word to include in an offer that always elicits a ‘yes?’”

“Stop calling yourself ‘an expert,’ and be more specific…” 

👉  Get To The Point: Dive straight into the meat of the content. No fluff, no introductions. Time is of the essence.

“Success is a liar. The last secret I’m about to share changed my life…”

“Your ideal client is not who you think it is…” 

Use these natural human tendencies to your advantage. Play off emotion and be entertaining. 

You know what works, so consider “your hook” a 30-second pitch that you have to nail in just 2 seconds! 

Because I’m behind the scenes full time, helping produce content that resonates and converts. And I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of a well-crafted hook. 

I’ve also watched businesses’ content absolutely tank because they refused to capitalize on those first few seconds. 

So, whether you’re a coach looking to inspire, or a business aiming to captivate, remember this:

The first 2 seconds will make (or break) your likelihood for attention. 

And people’s attention is now the most valuable currency, so invest in it wisely!


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