Time-saving love hacks for busy entrepreneurs


Entrepreneurs are notorious for being difficult partners.

— perhaps due to unpredictable moods, being easily distracted or eternally busy.

In business, entrepreneurs excel at leading others when they’re in positions of authority…

But romantic relationships are an entirely different ball game.

You don’t have control over your romantic partner like you have control over running your everyday business.

Your word might be law when it comes to business, but (unfortunately) deciding what movie to watch with your significant other doesn’t fit under a pre-signed terms or agreement policy.

Investing time in your relationship will make your partner happier, while helping both you and your business thrive too.

So today, we’re bringing you 3 ways entrepreneurs can improve their relationships in a timely and effective manner by renowned relationship coach for entrepreneurs, Jordan Gray 

Let’s dive in, shall we? ⬇

Today’s Deep Dive Guest Writer

Jordan Gray is a relationship coach for entrepreneurs. Jordan’s work has positively impacted over 200 million people worldwide, and he has helped more people get married than he can count.

How Entrepreneurs Can Improve Their Relationship In A Time-Efficient Manner

Firstly, why should you invest in your relationship?

Well, your partner helps you efficiently refuel your gas tank when you need it the most.

They bring you back to a place of balance and sanity when you’ve been burning the midnight oil for too many nights in a row.

So what can you do in a time-efficient manner to keep your relationship firing on all cylinders?

3 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Improve Their Relationships

1. Set Aside Focused Connecting Time

Like a weekly board meeting for directors, setting aside focused time with your partner pays dividends for your collective emotional well-being.

Just like Richard Branson talks about how he doesn’t have time to not work out, you don’t have time to not make sure your relationship is in working order. 

If you have relationship stress clouding your judgment while you’re trying to get work done, then you, your partner AND your business will suffer.

2. Make Small Deposits In Their Emotional Bank Account

There will come a time in your relationship (okay… likely many times) when you will need to ask your partner to be patient for you. 

Whether you need to push back plans, reschedule a date night, or stay late at the office again, an understanding and supportive significant other could really come in handy in certain situations.

To avoid any potential blow-ups that don’t need to occur, make your partner feel loved and desired even when your time is limited.

Give them random acts of service when they least expect it (breakfast in bed, massage, pick up their dry cleaning without being asked). 

Tell them how much you love and appreciate them in your life. 

Or, show them through another love language (physical touch, acts of service, small gifts, intentional time together, etc).

3. Consciously Invest In Your Relationship

Top-level entrepreneurs and CEOs invest in their business knowledge non-stop. 

High-performing athletes hire trainers, nutritionists and specialized coaches to be the best. 

So why wouldn’t you invest in your love life in the same manner?

Go to couples retreats, read books on sustaining thriving relationships, and intentionally work through your emotional and sexual roadblocks.

Be just as intentional about your love life as you are about your health and financial wealth, and soon you’ll be the envy of everyone at your dinner parties.

You’re So Close To Having It All

You get so much of your emotional fulfillment out of your work that a relationship can often seem like an extraneous activity. 

So when your relationship feels like a nuisance, you psychologically distance from it. 

It is only then that you realize your significant other isn’t a data point on your balance sheet… they are your confidante.

They’re often the only person you can go to late in the night when you’re feeling stressed, doubtful or nervous. 

They are the mirror in your life that shows you when you’re being foolish — and yet you still push them away.

Instead, lean in. When you feel panicked and fearful or like you’re losing control, let yourself lose control. Breathe into it and see your partner for what they are… a gift in your life.

You’re not that far off from having the perfect balance between love and work. You just need to decide that it’s something you believe in getting handled, and then reach out and grab it.

Dedicated to your success,

— Jordan


How To Launch A Hugely Profitable Online Challenge  

The most successful strategy to bring lots of sales into your business fast is running a 5-30 day challenge. 

Marco Robinson has generated millions with challenges and is going to share the secret to get YOUR challenge up and running within the next 30 days.

Join now, 100% free!


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Despite exploring a seemingly endless number of podcasts, books, courses and therapies… they’ve still left you short of the real growth results you want. 

Ready to unleash your unique potential? Learn about Revolutionary Character and discover what’s been holding you back from true transformation when you book a free coaching session now!


P.S.Got a friend who’s juggling boardroom battles and bedroom bliss? 

Why not give them a nudge by sharing this newsletter?

Who knows… You might just save someone’s date night or, dare we say, board meeting! 😉



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