3 significant observations from a self-made millionaire


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Did you know there’s a massive difference between money and wealth?

Most people are oblivious to this….

What is the difference exactly?

Money is something you receive in exchange for value. An object that is constantly in a state of flow… 

Money flows in, and money flows out.

But wealth, on the other hand, is a state of being

It shapes the way you view and experience the world.

It shows up in the way you operate, think and react.

A wealthy person can lose all of their money….

….only to rebuild it all over again, just like that. 

It happens through the way they approach life.

Because it goes way beyond money and the cash that comes in the door.

In today’s issue, Christina Jandali will be diving deep into some of the biggest distinctions of how wealthy people think and act differently….

..and how you can massively up level your wealthy thinking!

Read about it in the Deep Dive ⬇


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Today’s Deep Dive Guest Writer

Christina Jandali (and her business Deliver Your Genius) is a self-made millionaire and business growth strategist, helping coaches and course creators develop scalable profits and a dedicated fan base through free Facebook groups.

Initiating her venture during maternity leave, Christina has empowered thousands globally to build their profitable powerhouses, blending confidence enhancement with actionable insights.

I bet that if you’re on this newsletter, you have no problem working hard. 

You’ve got some grit and determination to get where you want to be in life.

You know the world will reward you to the level at which you can solve problems for others….

….and you’re a problem solver.

And even if you’re obsessed with getting to the next level….

…where you won’t stop at anything to reach the next levels of wealth and success because you crave freedom and dream of making a bigger impact.

And let’s be honest, being able to afford some of the finer things life has to offer sounds good too.

Maybe you want to go on 5-star trips, pay off your debt, retire your partner, fly first class, get a house manager and private chef, hire a stylist, or send your kids to private school.

But the thing that most people don’t realize?

Creating Wealth Is Gonna Require Something From You…

And it goes beyond just working hard, or setting goals. 

There’s a certain level of scrappiness required before you can create wealth.

Which means you’ve got to look at the things you haven’t been willing to do…

…and start asking “What is required of me in order to succeed?”

I learned this when I worked my first “grown up job” as an administrative assistant in a financial firm.

A large part of my job was preparing the client’s financial statements for our firm’s advisors to present to the clients.

One day, as I was printing, my eye caught a glance at the sheet that I was holding.

My jaw dropped.


It seemed like the number for their net worth kept going forever.

I had never seen that amount of wealth right before my eyes. 

I knew that wealthy people existed but until that point, I couldn’t comprehend that people actually had that much money!

Ever since then, I told myself that I would stop at nothing until I learned exactly how wealthy people think, operate and make decisions.

I became obsessed. I needed to know how they thought and acted differently, and figure out what separated the wealthy from the broke.

I sought to uplevel the social and professional circles I was in, I rubbed a few shoulders, I asked questions earnestly….

…and I came to find the biggest distinctions that separate wealthy people from the broke (and the middle class).

Wealth Doesn’t Go To Burnt Out Leaders

It’s only meant for those who can handle it.

Working hard does NOT mean sacrificing your values, your life or your time with the people you love.

Chasing after the things you want while simultaneously losing the things that sustain you as a person may lead to an inflow of cash….

…but it does not make for a rich or wealthy life.

After all these years, here’s some of my significant observations about how wealthy people think.

1) Wealthy People Are Decisive

Broke people look for logic. They always need more information. Constantly looking for facts to back up their decisions.

Because they don’t trust themselves to move forward.

The thing is: what many people don’t realize is that indecision is a decision. 

Indecision is a decision to NOT make a decision.

It’s procrastination, which is just a safety game…

To not move forward.

To stay stuck.

To stay where you’re at. 

It’s a decision to stay stuck in your current circumstances vs. choosing the potential future you desire.

Broke people look for logic. They always need more information. Constantly looking for facts to back up their decisions.

Because they don’t trust themselves to move forward.

The thing is: what many people don’t realize is that indecision is a decision. 

Indecision is a decision to NOT make a decision.

It’s procrastination, which is just a safety game…

To not move forward.

To stay stuck.

To stay where you’re at. 

It’s a decision to stay stuck in your current circumstances vs. choosing the potential future you desire.

Today’s Practical Application

Exercise trusting your gut.  

When you delay your decisions, you’re leaving money on the table and missing out on golden opportunities that are right under your nose! 

Make decisions as if you’re already wealthy, by trusting yourself to make them.

2) Wealthy People Build A Wealth Plan

For broke and middle class people, it’s always quick cash in, and quick cash out.

They’re reactionary, and focused on what their needs are in the moment.
But what they don’t realize is that money disappears quickly.

Wealthy people, on the other hand, are willing to invest their money for their future.

They’re not waiting for safety to magically happen one day.

They create safety through their commitment to their goals.

Today’s Practical Application:

Get obsessed with finding the people, resources and investments that will develop you, your skills, your knowledge to become the person you need to be to have what you desire.

If you always react to financial situations, you’ll stay broke because you’re operating as a broke person. 

Work towards who you want to be, and where you want to grow! 

Remember, youare your greatest cash-creating asset as a personal brand.

Learn how to maximize your cash-generating ability first…

…then take that cash and invest it to grow and multiply.

Grow yourself first in order to grow your income. And use that increased income to accelerate the compounding growth of your savings and investments.

3) Wealthy People Believe Money Is Just Money

Broke people give their power away by having judgment around money. 

They are extremely emotional about it. Even if externally they claim to not care much about it.

They have multiple interpretations of what money (or lack thereof) means to them.

Broke people judge others for having it. And they blame external factors like people and circumstances for where they are at financially.

But when you see money just as it is, you take away its power to control you.

And it is so much more of a freeing thought when you shift your feelings around money.

Today’s Practical Application:

Remind yourself that money is neutral. 

Remove all forms of judgment around money and others, and remind yourself that money comes to those who can handle it. Can you?

What if money was just money?

Imagine how freeing that could be for you, when you remove all the emotional ties that you have towards it.

The ease of pressure…

The freedom…

The abundance and peace…

It’s not serving you to create meanings around money.

You’re here to create a new future for yourself, your family and your legacy.

Be open. Stretch your boundaries. 

Remind yourself: How would ME 2.0 behave differently in this moment?

Make a decision to leave the past in the past.

And show up, investing in developing you and a wealthy mindset. And that means taking advantage of opportunities right in front of you, today, to help you grow.

I’ll be talking more about how you can uplevel your coaching business and become a wealthy leader in my upcoming Sold Out Coaching Series.

We’ll be talking about how you can customize your wealth plan for the new year and add a new 6-figure income stream

—> Sign up for the Sold Out Coaching System!


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