Coaches secret edge to a thriving love life


Ever hit a wall when it comes to dating as a coach? You’re not alone.

Being deeply immersed in guiding others often leaves our relationships on a tricky path.

Together with

Ever hit a wall when it comes to dating as a coach? You’re not alone. 

Being deeply immersed in guiding others often leaves our relationships on a tricky path.

Think about it – your days are packed with sessions, your mind constantly buzzing with strategies and breakthroughs. 

Where does that leave room for romance, right?

The balancing act between nurturing your business and your personal life is a common struggle many coaches face. 

So today, we’ve brought in Kevin J Orosz…

He is a maestro of relationships and human connection, and doesn’t just understand the coaching world… he knows how to weave through its unique challenges in love and dating.

Kevin’s Deep Dive dissects one crucial concept that should always be considered when choosing the right person. 

Dive in with us as Kevin unpacks the secrets to finding and flourishing in a relationship that complements the coach in you.

Find out more in today’s Deep Dive ⬇


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Today’s Deep Dive Author

Kevin J Orosz is a coach, author, speaker, philosopher and student of humanity’s myths. He is driven by offering his voice and presence to improve the lives of people all over the world, and has led retreats and spoken at masterminds internationally teaching the art of polarity. Through his book Sex, Masculinity & God: The Trialogues, online courses, evolutionary men’s work and private mentorship, Kevin teaches others how to create more impact and success, ignite polarity in relationships, and claim their kingdom

Coaches Dating Coaches? Are You Still Looking For The One?

Coaches Dating Coaches? Are You Still Looking For The One?

If you’re an entrepreneur dating, things are going to look very different for you. Coaches, consultants, business owners, wellness practitioners, healers and so on are cut from a different cloth.

Their values and lifestyle will reflect this.

When you’re out on the coaching frontline, falling in love and entering relationships takes on a whole other level (the stakes can be higher).

I often see entrepreneurs date one another.

Simply because of the compatibility with the more extreme side of their qualities. (This also can have the potential for high drama…).

And I also see many clients who run their own business dating or marrying someone who does not.

This can also be hugely supportive and compatible romantically.

(Stability is largely a theme here).

It all comes down to the masculine vision of the relationship lining up with the feminine devotion to the relationship.

When this is co-present, you have a winner: 

  • What has your experience been dating in this arena?

  • How have your relationships changed because of it?

Two pairs of hands making a heart shape with two mugs of coffee inside. 

Men: Your mind is so powerful, and when connected to your heart, it can work wonders.

Women: Your heart contains incredible beauty, and when expressed intelligently, it has the power to heal.

Masculine logic builds this reality in many ways, and this is important to create essential boundaries, frames and systems.

Feminine emotion binds this reality with love, and this is key in order to lovingly bond, track relationships and offer the mystery of life back to the human village.

Don’t be ashamed either. There’s no point. Natural law abides. 

When you’re dating, this is important to remember. When you’re in love, this is critical to practice. 

The masculine and feminine are designed to work complementary. Their differences are both significant and essential, and when celebrated, they combine to form the healthy union many of us subconsciously crave. 

 When a man is leading, decisive, extremely present and attuned to the woman, fireworks happen. 

 When a woman is expressing her desires openly, surrendered and softened from her daily “working armor,” the magnetism is undeniable. 

Really, you want your mind, body and biology to work WITH you here. 

Practicing conscious dating could be the more rewarding art of our postmodern times…

This is exactly what I’m training my clients in behind the scenes in my business. I work with single men, single women AND couples looking to double down, dive in, reciprocate and skill-UP their sexuality and intimacy.

For Next Era Coach Readers — The first 50 people get a FREE consultation call.

If YOU are reading this email and quietly thinking, “Oh wow, this is for me,“ reach out.

See you on this inside,

— Kevin


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