From low sales to your highest month


If you’re currently experiencing fewer incoming leads and lower sales….

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If you’re currently experiencing fewer incoming leads and lower sales….

Or if it’s something you experience from time to time…

Listen to this:

Back in fall of 2022, I experienced some of my lowest sales months that year.

While I attracted a lot of leads to my high-ticket offer, it was difficult to convert those leads into sales.

I was also feeling burnt out and tired.

I was spending too much time on sales calls that didn’t lead anywhere.

I asked myself: “How do I turn this around? How do I sell more, but without working so hard?”

The very next month I hit a record month in sales.

And after that I kept increasing my revenue, hitting $30k and $40k sales months and finally a $70k sales month..

And in 2023 I doubled my revenue compared to the previous year.

Without doing sales calls.

Yep, you heard me. I stopped doing sales calls and increased my revenue.

So…what did I do to turn things around?

Well, there were two specific things I changed that made a massive difference for me.

But first, click here to access my FREE guide on how to double your revenue with a high-ticket offer.

This is what I did:

1) I changed the strategy for how I was marketing and selling my high-ticket offer.

My old strategy allowed people to jump on a sales call with me way too early. While they were qualified leads, those leads weren’t warm enough.

They weren’t warm enough because I had been too focused on sales when I should’ve focused more on marketing.

That’s why I decided to quit sales calls and implement a marketing strategy that turned my lukewarm audience into HOT leads. More specifically, I shifted the positioning in my personal brand so people started perceiving me as a high-level coach and an authority.

I also started selling low-ticket offers that allowed my audience to get to know me better.

Suddenly, I could sell my $5k and $10k offers via text instead of needing to jump on a 45-minute call.

2) I shifted my mindset into believing that I can grow my business in any way I want.

There are so many business coaches online telling you what you HAVE to do if you want to be successful…

And the truth is: Their strategies probably work. But it may not be your way.

That’s why I help my clients sell $2k-$20k offers by nailing these 3 parts:

1) An irresistible offer that people actually want
2) An aligned strategy for their personal brand and marketing
3) Mindset for selling high-ticket offers

So if you’re currently experiencing a lower sales period, ask yourself:
What is the reason?

Could it be that your offer isn’t irresistible enough on that price-point?

Or is the strategy you’re currently implementing something you learned from a coach but not something that feels true and aligned to you?

Or are you lacking belief in yourself or your offer?

If you want to dive deeper into this….again, click here to download my FREE guide about doubling your revenue with a high-ticket offer.

Feel free to hit the “reply” button and let me know if this email helped you in any way.

Talk soon!


Joella Skoogh is the co-owner of Next Era Coach, and a business mentor for coaches, helping them build their personal brands & authority on social media so they can attract higher-paying clients.

Joella built her own personal brand from zero to becoming the go-to person in her industry in Sweden.

Now she serves clients all over the world through Masterclasses, programs and 1:1 mentoring.



How are you currently positioning yourself in the market, and how can you improve your unique selling proposition?


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