Be perceived as a high-level coach


You know you’re meant to be a high-level coach.

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You know you’re meant to be a high-level coach.

Someone who attracts high-paying clients and can have high-level conversations with those clients….

And you know that if you want to get there…

You need to be perceived as high-level in your personal brand.

That way, the wrong people will feel “That coach is is not for me – they’re on a higher level” and your dream clients will feel “This is the high-level coach I’ve been longing to work with”.

There are two things you need to shift if you want to be perceived as a high-level coach

1) Your identity

2) Your content

In other words…If you want to be perceived high-level, you need to feel high-level.

And if you currently don’t feel that way, there’s an identity shift that needs to occur.

Ask yourself:

What is the next level version of me?
How do I act?
How do I feel?
How do I dress?
How do I set boundaries?
How do I make decisions?
How do I sell?
How do I run my business?

And then…
Start acting like that next level version of you.

You could start already tomorrow.

The next level version of you is created from within – not from your external results.


You need to take a look at who your content is actually speaking to.

For example…if you’re a mindset coach desiring to work with entrepreneurs that already have a good mindset, but feel new mindset challenges arising as they are scaling and growing their business…

Then don’t create basic mindset content that speaks to a client that doesn’t have money, success or confidence.

Speak to the person that already has all of those things – and highlight the specific mindset challenges that they are facing now.

When your ideal client feels SEEN by you, and feels like your content is high-level…They will want to work with you.

I recently spoke more about the topic of attracting higher-level clients on my podcast, The High-Level Entrepreneur. Feel free to have a listen here.

P.S. If today’s email spoke to you…Feel free to hit the “reply” button and share your thoughts.



Joella Skoogh is the co-owner of Next Era Coach, and a business mentor for coaches, helping them build their personal brands & authority on social media so they can attract higher-paying clients.

Joella built her own personal brand from zero to becoming the go-to person in her industry in Sweden.

Now she serves clients all over the world through Masterclasses, programs and 1:1 mentoring.

Follow her on Instagram or subscribe to her newsletter The High-Level Entrepreneur.



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