How to become an authority in your industry


Building authority in your industry goes beyond just building a personal brand.

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Building authority in your industry goes beyond just building a personal brand.

While anyone can build a personal brand and attract some clients, authority is what sets you apart from the rest. It’s about being recognized as the go-to expert in your industry, not just by a handful of followers but by your entire industry.

When you position yourself as an authority, you’ll:

  • Attract hundreds (if not thousands) to your free and low-cost offers
  • Sign dream clients eager to work with the expert in the room
  • Increase your rates because you’re seen as the trusted leader

I’ve successfully built authority in multiple niches throughout my career. This has not only brought clients to me but also led to opportunities in podcasts, media, and more.

Now, I help coaches like you position themselves as an industry authority and attract high-paying clients.

If you want some guidance for how to establish yourself as an authority, keep scrolling down to the deep dive.

FREE Masterclass: How to become an authority in your industry

Do you want to know the secrets to becoming an authority in your industry?

The kind of person that gets followed by thousands of people, interviewed in media as an expert and attracts high-paying clients consistently?

Then you need to sign up to access this FREE Masterclass.


Here’s some guidance for how you can become considered an authority in your industry:

1) Acknowledge that you already are an authority – you don’t need more experience

If you’re holding back because you think you need more certifications, more experience or perfect testimonials, you’re wasting time. You are already qualified today, exactly as you are.

2) Don’t be desperate

The energy behind your content is crucial. If you’re creating from a place of desperation, people will sense it. Instead, focus on serving your audience, and trust that the right clients will follow naturally.

Personally, I became recognized as an authority because I wasn’t chasing clients. I focused on helping people learn and grow, which led to clients reaching out to me, tagging me, and recommending me—even before we worked together.

3) Be strategic in how you position yourself

Many coaches resist niching down because they see themselves as “multi-passionate” and fear being boxed in. But here’s the truth: you can niche down strategically without limiting yourself.

When I started building my brand, I knew I wouldn’t stick to a single niche for years. But by focusing on one area for 1–2 years, I became the go-to expert in that space, which eventually allowed me to expand.

4) See yourself as a leader

Being an authority is more than just posting content—it’s about leading. Authorities don’t follow trends, mimic others, or share popular opinions just to fit in. Authorities innovate. They take the first step and lead the way, which is why they earn a loyal following.

5) Stop caring what people think

Do you think leaders and authorities reached their positions by worrying about being liked?

When you let go of the need for approval….that’s when you’ll truly be seen as an authority in your industry.

Want to dive even deeper into becoming an authority? If so, sign up for this FREE Masterclass I did earlier this year.


Joella Skoogh is the co-owner of Next Era Coach, and a business mentor for coaches, helping them build their personal brands & authority on social media so they can attract higher-paying clients.

Joella built her own personal brand from zero to becoming the go-to person in her industry in Sweden.

Now she serves clients all over the world through Masterclasses, programs and 1:1 mentoring.

Follow her on Instagram or subscribe to her newsletter.



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