The #1 way to attract your ideal clients


The Deep Dive: Building The Perfect Coaching Funnel

Today we’re diving into how you can set up the ideal funnel to attract, nurture, and convert your ideal clients on repeat

(WITHOUT having to hustle in the DMs or create endless amounts of content in order to “stay relevant”)

Feel like a tall order ?

Don’t worry, because we’re breaking it down step by step.

And we guarantee you can do it with nothing more than a laptop and access to the internet, so you’ll never have to say…

You may still have 99 problems….

….but an empty client roster sure won’t be one of them!

Let’s get right to it and cover exactly what it takes to build a simple, yet effective, coaching funnel to attract your ideal clients.

The Deep Dive: Building The Perfect Coaching Funnel

You may be familiar with what a typical coaching “funnel” often looks like:

(1) Sift through your own network and DM everyone who might be a fit

(2) Sign up a few clients and work like mad to deliver good results

(3) Ask those clients for referrals and repeat the process with more direct outreach

While there’s nothing wrong with this, it’s not exactly scalable, is it?

It’s much better to have consistency with and, more importantly, control over your incoming lead flow.

That’s where having a proper funnel comes in:

That means a system that works 24/7 on your behalf to offer value to prospects and gives them opportunities to “raise their hand” to have a deeper conversation with you on how you can support them.

It needs to help them understand why YOU are the right person to help them.

That is best done in a couple ways:

(1) Be able to speak to and describe the pain or problem they are experiencing (and the long term implications of NOT doing anything about it) better than they understood it themselves

(2) Be able to paint a vivid, feelings based picture of their potential reality after having solved their problem or having achieved their goal

(3) Give them some actionable ways to take the first step(s) towards getting what they want

(4) Share examples, proof, demonstrations, or testimonials of how you’ve helped people to get the desired outcomes your ideal clients want

The way most coaches build their funnels makes us sad.

Their hearts are in the right place….but they end up frustrating both themselves and their best potential clients.

Most coaches build a funnel that is centered around some free ebook or a ‘Discovery Call’.

These things are great for people who are “information seekers” or “tire kickers” who may one day be ready to become clients.

But it misses the boat entirely on people who are ready to act now. 

These are the people you want.

People who are motivated already to do the work….instead of needing to be “convinced” by some slick marketing content.

They aren’t asking themselves “How can I solve this problem?”….

….they are asking “Who can help solve this problem for or with me?”

Position your funnel and your offer in a way that makes a clear, direct, and compelling promise.

But this is important….

You are NOT promising them information that will teach them how to do it themselves….

….you are promising them transformation facilitated by you (or your team).

The first taste of transformation can be free but it has to be clear what they are getting.

A “Discovery Call” is vague.

Your ideal prospect already knows what the problem is….there is nothing to discover.

They want to tangibly move towards solving some known problem.

Maybe your call promises to build them an action plan….

….where you can highlight all the ways people delay or fail on the plan without proper guidance and coaching.

Or maybe your call promises them the first mindset shift they need in order to see the possibilities they are currently blind to.

Whatever it is, there needs to be alignment between what they want and what you want.

If you’ve been attracting information seekers or people who aren’t clear on what they want, you’ve got to look at what you are sharing and offering.

Making this shift can be scary because there are less people out there who are ready to act….

….but it means your time will only be spent with motivated people who want your support now.

Once you’ve filled your client roster with people who are ready to act now….then you can focus on building a second funnel for the information seekers of the world who you can nurture over time into great clients.

Until then, you are exhausting yourself by talking to people who aren’t ready to take action while unintentionally ignoring those who are.

Build a simple funnel that makes a clear and direct promise or offer and watch how the quality of the conversations you have transforms.

The pulse

Latest Insights, News & Tools for Online Coaches

 4 Simple Steps To Launching A More Successful Coaching Biz —   Are you ready for a business that creates better results without so much frustration? Check out these four steps to a rock solid foundation for your business. You can also join this group with over 11,000 heart centered coaches led by Jason Moss here. 


 The Right Message For The Right Person At The Right Time — Different people are at different stages of awareness. Some of them know they have a problem….others don’t. Some are aware of your solution to their problem….others aren’t. Take a look at your messages and what “stage of awareness” they speak to. Like the ‘Deep Dive’ shared, speaking more to the more aware people is a faster path to sales

Funnel-y Enough… That’s A Wrap

If this landed for you – don’t be a stranger; reply to share your insights!

If you primarily get clients from word of mouth referrals, the act of building a “proper” funnel may feel foreign to you…

But trust us, it’s essential if you want to break away from depending on clients, to send you clients, who will then send you more clients.

With the right funnel in place, you’ll have way more control over your lead flow… and you’ll won’t have to wonder where your next client will come from.

Most coaches never make it there — but start implementing what you’ve discovered in this issue and you will.

That’s a wrap!

Until next time,
The Next Era Coach Team


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Written By:

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Zachary J. Radford
Editor & Copy Chief Of