The Secret To Achieving “Impossible”…


The game-changing approach to goal pursuit…

The game-changing approach to goal pursuit…

Are you ready for a mind-blowing journey into the realm of achieving the seemingly “impossible?…”

If the answer is yes, then brace yourself for this edition of Next Era Coach where we’re going to show you how to make those dreams of yours a tangible reality. 

But first, let’s take a moment to ponder the desires that burn deep within your soul.

Do you long for a thriving business, where customers and clients line up eagerly, credit cards in hand?  💳

Or perhaps you yearn for a love so fulfilling it puts those cheesy rom-coms to shame? 

Maybe you’re just craving more free time to do the things that set your soul on fire. And hey, remember that dream you buried deep down? … 💔

The one you thought was too crazy to chase? Well, it’s time to dig it up and dust it off, my friend.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Is there really a secret sauce that can bring all these desires to life? 🤷‍♀️

A method that’s not only predictable and repeatable but also sprinkles your journey with a generous dose of joy and effortlessness? 

The answer is a resounding YES!

But here’s the kicker—this isn’t some woo-woo manifestation mumbo jumbo. 

We’re not talking about setting “SMART” goals or grinding away with sheer willpower. 

No, my friends, this is a simple and proven framework that has catapulted ordinary folks like you and me to achieve extraordinary results in record time. 

And guess what? It works even if you’re the biggest skeptic this side of the galaxy.Today we’re going to dive headfirst into the wondrous world of the 4-step “Quick Goals” framework, brought to you by the one and only Tony Wang.

Brace yourself for mind-bending insights on how to turn your professional and personal goals into reality—yes, even those wildest ones you’ve been secretly nurturing.

A Secret 4-Step Framework To Achieve Seemingly “Impossible” Goals

The Deep Dive by Tony Wang 

Take a second and think about what is it you *truly desire* right now?


A thriving business with loyal customers and clients eager to buy everything you sell? A loving and fulfilling relationship with your perfect partner? Loads of free time to spend doing what you love?


Or perhaps to finally achieve a dream you once had, but later gave up on?


Believe it or not, there’s a little-known way to bring all these desires into your physical reality…


That’s not only consistently predictable and repeatable… 


But it also makes your journey enjoyable and almost effortless. 


And no, this isn’t like manifestation, setting “SMART” goals, or grinding through with sheer willpower.


It’s a simple and proven framework that’s helped thousands of ordinary people worldwide achieve their goals – including “impossible” ones– in very short timeframes. It works regardless no matter how doubtful or skeptical you are.


So in this article, you’ll discover the 4-step “Quick Goals” framework and….


How you can use it to achieve your 

wildest professional and personal goals! 


When I discovered this framework, I used it to go from $30k per month to $150k per month in my performance marketing business. I did that in under a month. I’ve also used it to meet and attract my wife, and again when planning the perfect proposal to her.


But it didn’t work for me. It’s worked for countless people all across the world – many of whom are not into personal development or consider themselves high achievers.


For instance… 


Laurie-Ann set a goal to make $10k per month in her business. Within 4 days, she made $6k, the most she’s ever made since starting her business 18 months ago.


Miles K set a goal to publish his first book. Within 3-4 weeks, his manuscript “Mission” was chosen as best novel by MASA and he won a prize of $1,700. He set another business goal afterwards and was able to double his income in 3 months. 


Emma P wanted to lose weight but was unsuccessful with various programs and diets. She set a goal to lose 15 pounds in 2 months… and ended up losing 19.


The bottom line is, this beats all other systems for goal achievement. And it sure as heck works better than blindly working towards your goals without a real game plan.


So here’s how it all works… 


This is a spiritually-based framework for goal achievement developed by Filip Mihajlovic, the son of one of the most prolific spiritual researchers and psychologists in south-eastern Europe. Interestingly enough, it shares similar concepts to a goal achievement model developed by Stuart Lichtman, an MIT graduate, researcher and business leader. 


Whenever I see multiple people come to the same conclusions independently, I know there’s a lot of truth to be found. 


It’s “spiritual” but there’s nothing woo-woo. It’s actually very scientific. It works by harmonizing your unconscious mind with your conscious mind to remove inner conflicts. That way, achieving your goal feels easy and natural. 


The 4 steps of this framework are… 

  1. Create a precise target or goal

  2. Prioritize your goal at an unconscious level

  3. Uncover and remove internal barriers

  4. Take natural action


Let’s jump in… 

  1. Create a precise target or goal

The first step is to know what you want, and the date you want it by. This step is vital because it gives your unconscious mind a target to aim for.


Sounds obvious right?


But believe it or not, most people never get crystal clear on what their actual goal is. They may have a basic idea of what they want. But something feels “missing”. 


Having a clear target and deadline allows your unconscious mind to start finding ways to achieve it. There’s the old saying, “Nothing gets done without a deadline”. It’s an important step because achieving your goal in a month will likely require a completely different strategy than doing it in a year.  

  1. Prioritize your goal at an unconscious level

But it is not enough to just have a basic goal and a deadline. You’ll also need to refine your desired target until it’s a 10 out of 10 in desirability


This is important because doing so prioritizes the goal in your unconscious mind, so your mind is always “working on it”. It will constantly be on the lookout for opportunities and ways to achieve it. You do this by adding additional criteria to your goal.


Let’s say your goal is just to “have $100,000 by January of next year”. As an extreme example, you could achieve that by getting hit by a bus and collecting a 6-figure check from insurance. So the key is to set additional criteria that makes it a perfect 10/10 for you. For instance, making that money from your business. And only working 4 days per week. And only working on projects you enjoy. And so on.


When you do this, your unconscious mind has specific constraints it can now use to figure out the HOW of achieving your goal, sometimes in creative ways you never expected!  

  1. Uncover and remove inner barriers 

Now this is the most important step that most people fail to do. As a result, their goals remain a dream instead of their reality. 


The big idea is, we all have negative past experiences and limiting beliefs that shape our view of reality. They affect our behaviors and often block us from our goals. 


Here’s what I mean: If you want to make a sandwich, you don’t set a “goal” to make the sandwich. You simply go ahead and do it. That’s because you don’t have any inner barriers blocking you from taking actions. 


But if you wanted to make 6-figures in your business, and you’ve never done it before or you failed in the past, you’ll have inner barriers that make you believe it’s possible you can fail. These barriers carry mental and emotional “charge” that make them feelreal, like they’re actual, external barriers. This is what causes you to procrastinate, feel overwhelmed, be indecisive, and lose focus.


But in reality, these barriers only exist in your mind! We’ve all achieved things we’ve never done before, or failed at in the past. If that weren’t the case you would never learn how to walk. 


By the way, this is why kids learn new things incredibly fast. They haven’t yet developed inner barriers (limiting beliefs, negative past experiences, etc) that slow them down. When you uncover and remove your inner blocks, you become like a kid again, and make rapid progress towards what you desire in record time. 

  1. Take natural action

Once you successfully remove your inner barriers it will feel like it’s impossible for you to fail. It’s a state anyone can reach when they start systematically processing their blocks. When you get there, then you’re in the optimal state for action.


Now, your actions should feel natural and even effortless because you’ve removed unconscious blockers. This doesn’t mean every action will be successful. You’ll still fail. But the difference is, with the charge gone, there is no more “emotional sting” when things don’t go your way. This allows you to adjust what you’re doing and continue moving towards your goal in a relaxed and focused state.


Want A Complimentary Demo On How To Apply This To Your 

Wildest Goal So It Becomes Impossible For You To Fail?


Please don’t be fooled by the simplicity of this method. 


It’s a proven, repeatable framework developed by some of the most respected reality creation experts in the world. And it’s worked for thousands of people all over the world. You’ll be amazed at how much easier it is to get what you want when you apply it to your own life. 


Also, there’s only so much I can explain about this system in a 1,400 word article. 


If you’d like to learn more, including experiencing a complimentary demo on how to apply it to your own goals – including the technical process of removing inner barriers – then apply for my private newsletter and then shoot me an email telling me a little bit about yourself and what goals you’d love to achieve.

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Want the best growth tools & “behind the scenes tear downs” of successful campaigns? — As business owners, we’re hot-wired to focus on GROWTH. And in a world of ever-changing tech and practices, it can be downright near impossible to keep up. That’s why Growth Memo’s weekly newsletter helps you become more profitable, make better decisions and stay on track alongside 100,000+ marketers and online business owners.

 Have You Plateaued? Break Through To Earn & Sell MORE — Whether you get positively 🔥 up by sales or hate them with a 🔥 passion (see what we did there?)… They’re essential to your business’ growth. Joy Bufalini broke through a personal ceiling of limiting beliefs and $20K/year, to make much more today, and help others do the same.  Previously overrun by home life, motherhood and competing responsibilities, she says it all was because of her… 3 Simple Steps To Soul-Centered Sales

How To Apply Tony Wang’s Secret 4-Step Framework To Achieve Your “Impossible” Goals — If you would like to opt-into a complimentary demo on how to apply the 4 step framework to your own goals – including the technical process of removing inner barriers – then apply for Tony’s private newsletter. If you are an expert in a “helping profession” such as coaching or therapy, consider applying to Tony’s newsletter.


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All Aboard The Coaching Train

Thank you for joining us on this exhilarating journey of discovery and growth.

Did that deep dive open your eyes to a whole new way to position the offer(s) your business makes? 

As we reach the end of this edition of the Next Era Coach newsletter, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your dedicated readership. 

We’ve covered some remarkable insights and strategies that can revolutionize your coaching business and propel you towards unprecedented success. 

From the secrets of effective marketing to the art of achieving seemingly “impossible” goals, we’ve left no stone unturned in our quest to empower you with the tools and knowledge you need.

But our journey together is far from over. As we say goodbye for now, I want to assure you that the Next Era Coach team is hard at work behind the scenes, curating a treasure trove of valuable resources, special guests, and exciting features that will continue to elevate your coaching game.

So, stay tuned! Keep a close eye on your inbox for our upcoming emails, packed with even more insights, strategies, and surprises. 

We have some truly extraordinary guests lined up, ready to share their wisdom and inspire you to new heights. Get ready to learn from the best in the industry and witness your coaching business flourish like never before.

Thanks for reading,

Next Era Coach


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Zachary J. Radford
Editor & Copy Chief Of