Why you’re not making 6 figures… yet.


Ever wondered why some online coaches rocket past the 6-figure threshold, while others remain in the perpetual loop of “almost there”? 

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Ever wondered why some online coaches rocket past the 6-figure threshold, while others remain in the perpetual loop of “almost there”? 

Here’s a hint: it’s NOT because of luck or talent, nor a secret memo that everyone got except you…

The truth is — You’re not going to find success in a new strategy, a new funnel, a new team member, or because you paid your way to try and fix your problem..

In fact, almost every powerhouse online, every rags to riches story, and every leader who has climbed that corporate ladder has ONE common trait that they all share.

And THIS common trait will help you blow past any income goal that you could ever set for yourself.

They MADE A DECISION that it is DONE.

Meaning no matter how long it takes, no matter how many times they’d fallen, not followed through, or felt frustrated, enough is enough. What they want is DONE in their mind. There is no other option.

Because with this decision, it creates action.

And with action, it creates clarity.

And with clarity, it creates success!

But what about the coaches who made a decision that It Is Done! and haven’t hit 6 figures yet?

In today’s deep dive, we’ll be talking about exactly what separates a rockstar sold out coach from a struggling coach!

Christina Jandali  is a confidence-boosting, cash creating Business Growth Strategist who helps coaches and course creators build a raving fan base and produce scalable profits. She has worked with thousands of entrepreneurs across the globe to create their own predictable cashflow machines.

Why You’re Not Making 6-Figures… yet.   

The Deep Dive by Christina Jandali

The allure of blowing past 6 figures is a hot topic for online coaches and entrepreneurs. 

After all, it’s the very first milestone marker that people use to say “I’ve made it.”

“I can do this full time”

“This is what I’m meant to be doing.”

The funny thing is: in traditional business, most people aren’t expecting to make a profit for 3-5 years.

And yet online, there is this expectation that you should be profitable right away. 

That you should be able to self-fund everything in the business, from your business. 

But that’s not the case for everyone.

And after building my business from ground zero at a corporate job to past 7 figures in 5 years, and helping hundreds of clients start, grow, scale their own sold out coaching brands, here’s what I’ve found…

There are 3 key reasons keeping struggling coaches stuck and not blowing past the 6-figure threshold:

#1 – Sold Out Coaches Play to Win, while Struggling Coaches Play Not to Lose

Struggling coaches live in the space of self-sabotage.

They are motivated by reducing pain, increasing comfort and avoiding effort. They can’t seem to quieten down the looming dread at the back of their heads that whispers: 

What if I fail? 

What if no one buys?

What if it doesn’t work?

And they complain about how hard it is to make money online.

You’ll never reach your capacity here, because you’re playing not to lose.

You’ll always be looking at reducing your effort in the world and protecting yourself from failing and rejection. What ends up happening is that you overly focus on all the things you don’t want to have happen in your life.

And where your focus goes, money and energy follows. 

The fact remains that entrepreneurship is all about being okay with uncertainty.

You’ve got to be okay with the unknown, allowing yourself to let go of control, and not equating your value based on your results (or lack of results.)

You are worthy, as is every human being without having to prove yourself or doing anything. Just by simply being a living, breathing human being.

Ask yourself this question: 

Where am I playing safe and playing not to lose? And what would it look like if I played full out to win?

Because when you play to win, you get resourceful, creative, and you stay committed until you get what you want.

And if you show up that way with your business, the decisions that you make are going to move you forward.

But you’ve got to be willing to stumble and be messy along the way. That’s how you play to win!

As Wayne Gretzky said, “You miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take!”

#2 – Sold Out Coaches are Creators, while Struggling Coaches are Consumers

I remember in the earlier stages of my business, I thought I was just going to be a sponge to soak up ALL the free information available. 

But before long, I was looking at a library chock-full of thousands of dollars of programs with only the first module completed.

(And if we’re being very honest, some programs where I’ve logged in once, and never again.)

Secretly feeling guilty for spending more money and shame for not following through.

It’s easy to get distracted especially when information is cheap. 

It’s no wonder that according to CoachingFoundation, over 71% of coaches report feeling lost and overwhelmed because you’re told to do 100 different things and you don’t know what will actually work!

Everyone’s got a different opinion on what you should do, where you should focus, and what’s going to work for you that you end up spinning. 

And when you end up spinning, you’re not gaining any traction in your business.

Sold Out Coaches speed past their peers into profit predictability because of these 3 reasons:

  1. They’re accountable to their vision and will not stop testing new things until they get there. 

  2. They invest in coaching and mentorship to shorten their learning curve.

  3. They take action.

Implementing these 3 things will give you certainty, clarity, confidence and an overflow of clients.

#3 – Sold Out Coaches Are 100% Responsible, while Struggling Coaches Look for Excuses

When you are 100% responsible, you own everything that is happening in your life. You recognize that whatever happens is a product of your creation.

That means no blaming others for your lack of results.

No waiting around for an opportunity or an introduction to magically whisk you to 6 figures.

No expecting someone to be your meal ticket or save you from the rut.

It’s about you taking the driver’s seat and trusting yourself to lead you to where you want to go.

Because you will only see the level of success that you are ready for.

Instead of saying “I don’t know how!” ask the question “What do I know?

BONUS: Sold Out Coaches Know How to Land Their Communication with Their Audience

It’s pivotal to gauge where your audience is at and land your communication with them.. 

If your audience doesn’t feel seen or heard, they’ll tune out and listen to someone else. It’s as simple as that.

To understand their levels of awareness and urgency, here’s a simple graphic:

Symptom Aware: Something is bothering them, and it’s a bit of an annoyance or discomfort. They’re not motivated to change here, yet.

Problem Aware: This is when they realize that something is not right. They’re not ready to take action just yet, but they want answers. They’re searching for what is wrong with them and seeking the root cause of their discomfort.

Solution Aware: They are actively looking for means to solve their problem. Although not ready to make a decision yet,they’re looking for WHAT will solve the problem, so they can prepare to make a decision in the future.

Offer Aware: They understand what it takes for them to solve the problem. Now, they’re looking for WHO can help solve their problem and their buying decision is imminent. 

Buyer: A sale is made! This is where the opening of the relationship truly begins.

Using the buyer’s journey in your client-getting process, will perk up your potential clients’ ears, saying “OMG, you get me! This is EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for” 

Allowing you to attract your best clients is your one way ticket on the bullet train to 6-figures!


Ready to get CLIENTS now? 

Ever wish someone could just give you a daily plan to focus on in order to generate new clients?

Let’s be honest: It can feel like an uphill battle trying to stand out and carve out your space.

How can you find clients when no one knows who you are yet?

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The pulse

Latest Insights, News & Tools for Online Coaches

  How To Attract The Right Clients (Without Paid Ads) -Instead of spreading yourself thin through cold outreach, ads and DMs, what if you could magnetize ideal, eager to invest clients direct to you? ✨Tune in as sales and messaging strategist Holly MacCue shares how you can switch from exhausting marketing tactics to being seen as the no-brainer choice for your audience.

3 Secrets to Lower Stress (In As Fast As 30 Seconds) — This biomedical engineer turned integrative health pioneer has put together a simple (and effective!) pathway to reclaim control of your nervous system’s stress responses. Say goodbye to Fight, Flight, Freeze, and Appease 👀

The Online Growth Summit For Coaches That Should NOT Be Free (but is) – More than 50 top-tier online business experts and mentors are coming together to reveal the techniques they’ve used and still use to build profitable, aligned businesses with the level of freedom that all online coaches aspire to.


Build An A-List Personal Brand That Magnetically Attracts Your Ideal Clients

Want an evergreen flow of new leads and sales?

To create content that moves people to act?

How about becoming an icon in your market?

All of this is available to you and your business….

….give me a couple minutes of your time and I’ll show you how to make it into your reality.

All Aboard The Coaching Train

And that’s a wrap! 🚀

We’ve dove deep into the realm of 6-figure aspirations, uncovering the secrets that separate the thriving from the striving. As we conclude this adventure, remember this:

Success isn’t just a destination; it’s a daring journey.

As you play to win, create value, take full responsibility, and tailor your communication, you’ll not only achieve the coveted 6-figures (and beyond!)… 

You’ll also leave an indelible mark on the lives of your clients.

As you tread this path, use the buyer’s journey to speak directly to the hearts of your audience, drawing them closer into your world with every word.

They aren’t just keys to success; they are the very essence of your coaching journey. 

So, Coaches of the Next Era, dream big, and let audacity be your compass on the exhilarating journey to 6-figures!

Onwards and upwards.

We’ll see you in your inbox next week. 


Thanks for reading,

Next Era Coach


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Zachary J. Radford
Editor & Copy Chief Of FunnelMemo.com