3 Reasons Why People Don’t Buy From Coaches


Many experts out there teach you how to attract leads.

And I’m sure you’ve actively searched for a bunch of lead-gen strategies because more leads = more potential to sell.

Together with

Many experts out there teach you how to attract leads.

And I’m sure you’ve actively searched for a bunch of lead-gen strategies because more leads = more potential to sell

But one thing that lead generation and audience building courses don’t teach you, is how to actually convert those leads into paying coaching clients.

After all, that’s the one thing most people are missing how to do predictably. 

If you want more clients, you must understand what creates a buyer. To do this, you gotta know why people buy. 

Despite economy and marketplace changes, the #1 reason why people buy online remains the same. That is….


Think about it: If a complete stranger walked up to you and asked, “Will you marry me?”

…but they have no connection or relationship with you, wouldn’t that be an easy “NO”?!

On the flipside, when someone proposes to you, that you’ve been with for two years and shared many experiences with, it doesn’t matter how good the proposal was, does it?

Because you’re thinking about the relationship and the connection you already have with that person… AND whether you want to deepen the connection.

See…The stronger the connection you build, the less you have to sell.

And as you know, one of the most powerful and effective ways to help create connections on the internet is:

A Facebook group… when done correctly 😉

So today we bring you Christina Jandali (aka Deliver Your Genius). 

She has helped thousands build profitable Facebook groups and is revealing her secrets to help you do the same.


Christina Jandali (aka Deliver Your Genius) is a self-made millionaire and Business Growth Strategist, helping coaches and course creators develop scalable profits and a dedicated fan base through free Facebook groups. Initiating her venture during maternity leave, Christina has empowered thousands globally to build their profitable powerhouses, blending confidence enhancement with actionable insights.

How To Sell Without Selling

Today’s Deep Dive By Deliver Your Genius


Ever felt like you’re the only one talking inside your Facebook Group or on socials?

You’re sitting in front of the computer, tirelessly creating social media posts only to get a couple of likes and no comments.

And quite honestly, that has you start doubting yourself, and the thoughts creep into your mind:

Maybe there’s another training, certification, or degree I need first… or

Other people have a powerful story than me… or

I’m not as _______ as she is! 

Yes, it takes expertise, skills, and talents to be a top coach. 

But to be perceived as a top community leader, it can be quite simple.

Build a community for others and you will automatically be seen as an authority by virtue of bringing people together for a common cause. 

Think of it: I am the creator of the XYZ community. 

Suddenly, you’re perceived as an expert.

Now it doesn’t end there, does it? 

It’s what you do in your group that will determine whether you maintain your expert status, or have it fizzle out. 

Before we get into what to do inside your group, let’s start with what NOT to do.

There are 3 mistakes to avoid if you want to sell without selling in your group:

#1 – Training Your Members To Be Freebie Seekers V.S. Buyers

You’re a giver, by nature. You want to help people. You pour your heart & soul out into your Facebook Group. You give, you give, you give.

But if your content isn’t creating new coaching clients, month after month, you might have been bucketed into the deadly “friend zone.”

That means unknowingly you created a group of people who rarely choose to buy from you, over everyone else.

You don’t get why people aren’t just buying from you.

But you’re rarely asking for anything in return.

Not a sale, not a call to action, not even to click a link.

When you’re not asking them to take an action step, you’re training your audience to be lazy.

Because everything they’d get from your community would just come to them without having to do anything like an IV drip.

Instead, try this: Always have a call to action. Get them to click on this, drop a comment there, invite them to your email list, and take any form of action!

If you can’t get your people to move forward for something free, you’re never gonna be able to sell them on your paid offers. 

The degree to which they move forward, is to the degree to which you’ve established a connection.

#2 – Pumping Out Loads Of How-To Content.

You love the recognition that comes from showing off all the value you have to give. I mean, you know your stuff.

But when you’re pumping out how-to content, you’re potentially leaving your people more overwhelmed than ever.

…And in turn, you’re not evoking the desire to want to work with you.

Think about the last time you searched on YouTube on how to fix a leaky faucet… or how to cook a certain recipe… or how to jumpstart a car. (You fill the blank in.)

Can you even remember whose video you watched? 

No! Of course not.

How-to content is speaking AT your people, but connection is merely created when you’re speaking WITH your people.

How-to content does not lead people to make a buying decision. 

All you’re doing is spending way too much time on the constant content treadmill instead of really getting to know your audience.

#3 – Inconsistent Content.

Is engagement merely measured by likes and comments? 

What you may not realize is that there are a lot of people inside your group who are lurking behind the scenes, ‘almost’ ready to buy.

They’re consuming everything you’re putting out, and secretly feeling connected with you… even without actively liking, commenting or being visibly present. 

But if you’re stopping and starting your content, you break trust with your members. 

If you said you’re gonna be there, and don’t actually show up, chances are – they’re not gonna want to do business with you.

Keep in mind: It’s not about posting multiple times a day and spending your entire day inside your Facebook Group.

Make a decision to create a schedule and commit to it. Be consistent with it.

It’s not dependent on whether or not you think people are engaging because the true measure of engagement is your active members inside your Facebook Group. 

Active members are measured by not only those who like, comment, and post, but more importantly those who click to ‘read more’and click to ‘watch’ your video

And, it’s those active lurkers who often become buyers!

Wanna dive deeper on how to engage your Facebook Group, deepen the connection with your members, AND start selling without actually selling?👉Join Me In The Upcoming Engage Your Group Training Series 👈


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And use a checklist to help your clients get powerful results, every time.

The pulse

Latest Insights, News & Tools for Online Coaches

 Build A Self-Managing Team That Can Grow Your Biz Without Depending On You – Grab the free Systems To Scale Playbook and give your team the 5 Proven Systems to simplify operations and predictably execute toward your vision. Scaling doesn’t need to be hard and your precious family time doesn’t need to come second to work.

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Before we go into talking about connecting with your Facebook Group members…

We’ve got to get your ideal people in first!

In the grow your group checklist, Deliver Your Genius gives you 10 super simple steps that you can start implementing immediately to get your first 1000 members inside your group!

All Aboard The Coaching Train

How was that? Christina didn’t hold back. 

If you’re rocking the group scene, slap these tips on a post-it and keep ‘em front and center.

I bet those “lurkers” will start stepping into the light – ready to team up with you.

Christina has seen it happen to hundreds of her clients.

These golden rules have kickstarted countless Facebook group revamps. 

Going from tumbleweeds to buzzing hives of action and interaction…

So, Thanks a bunch for diving into this week’s Next Era Coach! 

If you’ve found some value in these words, don’t keep it to yourself – share the wealth with someone else using groups to get clients

Catch you next time, keep pushing the boundaries and making those connections


Take Care, 

Next Era Coach


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Written By:

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Zachary J. Radford
Editor & Copy Chief Of FunnelMemo.com