Why ‘consistently creating content’ might be a silent killer…


Regularly creating (and sharing) content is one of THE best ways to magnetize your ideal clients.

Together with

Regularly creating (and sharing) content is one of THE best ways to magnetize your ideal clients . 

Because let’s face it…

We’ve all been there — scrolling through the endless sea of online content, reading the same old advice, repackaged and reshuffled, again and again. 

It all blends into a bored “been there, read that” mindset.

Today, people only engage with content IF it catches their eye 👀

That’s why we’re sharing a little-known (yet insanely effective) style of content that not only magnetizes your ideal clients… 

…but will HOOK their attention, while also increasing their “buy-in” to work with you.

This style is GENIUS, and will help you stand out online. It’s powerful, and your brain can’t help but tune in. 

If you’re creating content in your business, and you want to instantly grab your audience’s attention, while building up their internal ‘buy-o-meter’… 

Keep reading — because consistency is just ONE piece of the puzzle.

👇 Check out today’s deep dive below👇

Tony Wang is an entrepreneur, advisor and the founder of The Complete Being, a spirituality newsletter where readers learn weekly strategies, tools and practices for raising their consciousness, unlocking true inner peace and creating a more conscious civilization. Join thousands of spiritually awakened beings today ⇒

The Forgotten Secret To High-Performing Content

Today’s Deep Dive By Tony Wang

I’ve always despised mainstream advice on anything. 

Why? Because the “average” person in the USA gets these kinds of results… 

  • They make $59K/year

  • They’re overweight 

  • And they read at a Grade 7 level

I have nothing against these results. But they aren’t what I want for my life. 

And if you’re reading this, I bet you don’t want to settle for “average,” either. 

Billionaire investor Howard Marks has a superb saying… 

“In order to get to the top of the performance distribution, you have to escape from the crowd.” 

Therefore if you want to CRUSH IT in your business, you need to stand out. 

And one of the best ways to do this is by creating high-performing content. 

I know — obvious — but here’s the problem…


The Content Creation Dilemma

Consistently creating and sharing content is one of the best ways to attract ideal customers to your business. 

When you do it right…

  • It “presells” you and your expertise. Buying from you becomes a much easier decision.

  • It gives people a taste of what you’re all about, filtering for the right customers. This means you waste less time and energy dealing with low-quality clients who don’t appreciate you.

  • It’s fun sharing knowledge that excites you, that you know can positively impact others, regardless of whether they buy from you or not.

However, most coaches and business owners struggle, unsure what content they should create. 

And on top of this, consistently putting out relevant, engaging and valuable content is time-consuming and difficult — especially since the internet is already flooded with content. 

(not to mention people’s attention spans are getting shorter and shorter…)

But these problems are also WHY it’s even more essential to differentiate yourself. 

But how?

Believe it or not, there’s a proven way to create content that hooks people’s attention, while ALSO increasing their “buy-in” to work with you.


The Solution? Create “Counterintuitive” Content

“Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.” — Frank Zappa

Counterintuitive content is exactly what it sounds like. 

— content with ideas that go against “the norm.” 

It’s not being a contrarian for the sake of “standing out.” It’s identifying what most people in your audience believe to be true (but really isn’t).

This works for a few reasons:

Today, the amount of information online is growing exponentially (and with the help of AI, it’s growing even faster). However, our attention remains the same. 

Check out author and entrepreneur Michael Simmons’s take on the growing competition for attention…

Our brains are hardwired to IGNORE most things because we don’t have the time (or energy) to pay attention to e-very-thing in our environment.

Our brains are also hardwired to pay ATTENTIONto things that STAND OUT in our environment.

Remember the scene in The Matrix when the woman in the red dress walks by Neo, and he can’t help but look?

Many markets have matured to the point where you can’t just scream the same benefits they’ve heard over and over again…

In Eugene Schwartz’s Breakthrough Advertising model, this is the 4th-5th stage of market sophistication. 

You need a different approach to bypass people’s “been there, heard that” filters.

And the best way to do this, is to present surprising or counterintuitive ideas to what they already believe. 

Here are a few examples: 


The Keto Diet 

Lose weight by eating lots of meat and fat. 

Atomic Habits (Book) 

Instead of setting goals, build tiny habits instead.

The Obstacle Is The Way (Book) 

Obstacles present the biggest opportunities. 

Niching Down

 Instead of serving everyone, focus on a small niche you can dominate.


These ideas challenge a norm, instead of affirming what someone already believes. They’re instantly memorable, because they go against the grain.

In my personal life, everyone used to tell me comfort and security comes from playing it safe. From getting a good education and finding a stable job. 

However, I’ve found the exact opposite to be true. 

I’ve found comfort and security from taking risks (a counterintuitive idea). Starting my business was a huge risk, but has given me incredible freedom and comfort. 

I’m sure you can relate? 

So the question remains… 


How Do You Come Up With Counterintuitive Content Ideas?

The following process will help you come up with unlimited ideas that follow this counterintuitive content model:

1. Make a list of the most common problems and questions your audience experiences in your niche (you should be doing this anyway if you’re consistently creating content). 

If you’re stuck, try this:

a. Brainstorm the problems and challenges you had when you first started

b. Browse Reddit and Quora to see what common questions people have

c. Browse the comment section from other experts/influencers in your niche and see what questions people are asking 

2. Pick a topic and ask yourself…

a. What is something people believe to be true, but is actually false? (or vice versa)

b. What do people think is good, but is actually bad?

c. What does everyone ignore, but is actually essential?

d. What do people think is impossible, but is actually possible?

e. What do people believe is unconnected, but actually is? 

3. Think about your own experience and results 

a. What are things you do, that few others in your industry do?

b. What beliefs do you have that are responsible for your results (that others may not)?

Try this process if you want to avoid your reader thinking, “Oh I know this already.” 

Of course, this is only the first step — you still have to outline, write (or record) your content. And spend time crafting the title, image and hook. 

But it’s the most essential step since the rest of your content is centered around this one main idea. 

And remember: when you start creating counterintuitive content, not every piece you put out will be a Blockbuster. Like most things in business, it’s a numbers game. 

But the more you do this, the more you’ll start seeing patterns in what works (and what doesn’t). Then you double down on what’s working. 

Try this out for your next 5-10 pieces of content. I think you’ll be surprised at the boost in your engagement, 


Until next time,

— Tony Wang



The 1 Video That Will Make You Unforgettable: The DocuStunt

Over 90% of your competition will be too afraid to try this type of marketing.

It’s not for the faint of heart — but for the bold, the visionary. 

It’s for those who know how difficult it is to cut through the noise in today’s oversaturated online world. 

If you want a no-cost guide on how to 1000x your brand’s visibility AND legacy, try creating a new kind of content marketing video….

The pulse

Latest Insights, News & Tools for Online Coaches

Feeling Unheard In Your Relationship? This Might Be Why — It’s more than frustrating… it erodes intimacy. Dive into transformative communication strategies to rebuild connection and understanding. Don’t settle for dismissive nods — instead, ensure you’re truly valued and heard. Discover relationship-changing insights now!

“Real content marketing isn’t repurposed advertising, it is making something worth talking about.” — Seth Godin (TedEx speaker, author & marketing strategist)

How You Can Sign 2-4 New Coaching Clients Every Single Month  — This free client attraction guide gives you a simple, 4-step roadmap for how to consistently attract new coaching clients into your business.


Are You A Parent, Educator Or Coach Who Loves Kids And Wants To Use Your Skills For Fun, Fulfillment & Earn Extra Income?  

For the past 14 years, Kidpreneurs has helped over 250,000 kids unleash their entrepreneurial spirit.

Now, we want to help them impact one million kids before 2025

…and that’s a big goal we can’t achieve alone.

We’re looking for passionate, dependable, purpose-oriented individuals who want to become certified Kidpreneur coaches…

So your work can light you up every single day, using your skills, experience and gifts to help raise a generation of powerful, creative kids.


All Aboard The Coaching Train

The counterintuitive content method is powerful . 

We even used it in this week’s edition (did you notice? 😉).

If people see your content and think, “Hold up, wait a minute… something ain’t right…” 

It leads them to curiously explore your content, and listen to your expertise — which is SUPER effective (when done right). 

And with Tony Wang’s content creation process, you can make this happen. 

So now it’s time to execute … 

Take Tony’s method, create some counterintuitive content, and see what you come up with. 

If you want, hit “reply” and send it back to us. We’d love to see what inspiration comes your way. 

We might even send back a few more hints and nudges too… 

Oh, before we go —


Thanks for reading,

Next Era Coach


How are you currently positioning yourself in the market, and how can you improve your unique selling proposition?


From SEO to paid traffic to social media influencers to affiliates – we’ve got it all for you.

Written By:

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Zachary J. Radford
Editor & Copy Chief Of FunnelMemo.com