Real talk — Why do coaches often AVOID this goldmine?


Starting a coaching business is easy . 

But growing it, nurturing it, and achieving success? Now that can be hard.

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Starting a coaching business is easy . 

But growing it, nurturing it, and achieving success? Now that can be hard. 

Your initial hours stretch long, profitability might play hard to get, and your world starts to revolve (singularly) around your business. 

Before you know it, life’s more joyful moments — personal time, creative space, vacations — start getting sidestepped.

But what if you could sprinkle in some fun amidst the #GRIND? 

To share your small triumphs with someone who genuinely gets it, not just as a supportive companion or family member, but something deeper?

Today we’ve brought in Jordan Gray. 

The maestro at bridging successful entrepreneurship with enriching relationships. Many top-tier coaches and 8-figure entrepreneurs are testaments to his magic.

You might be thinking, “Drop business for romance? Na…” 

One of Jordan’s clients — a self-proclaimed workaholic — was just as skeptical. 

Yet, after diving into Jordan’s insights, his personal life flourished, and his business experienced a staggering boost in sales. 

👇❤️ Find out why romance is your overlooked goldmine ❤️👇

Jordan Gray is a relationship coach for entrepreneurs. Jordan’s work has positively impacted over 200 million people worldwide, and he has helped more people get married than he can count. You can browse his hundreds of free articles and join his email list at

Why Entrepreneurs Need To Invest In Their Relationships

Today’s Deep Dive By Jordan Gray

How many books on business have you read in the past year?

Once you have a rough number, keep that in mind.

Now, how many books have you read on intimacy and relationships?

If your ratio is more than 2:1, in favor of business books, you might want to seriously reconsider your strategy.

The SINGLE most important thing that entrepreneurs should be investing in is their relationships.

I get it. Going at business alone is sexy.

And you were likely raised to believe that relying on others is a sign of weakness. But we’re a social species and we need each other to thrive.

Of course, you don’t need an intimate relationship in order to be happy along your journey of building entrepreneurial wealth, but it sure makes for an easier (and often faster) ride on your path to victory.

Below are 4 kick-ass reasons why you should prioritize an intimate relationship over your hectic work schedule… 

1. Cuddling & Having Sex Are The Ultimate Stress Busters

Entrepreneurs need to recharge their internal batteries efficiently, and a romantic partner provides that.

Besides, you get massive boosts of stress-busting hormones (like oxytocin and dopamine), your memory improves, and you lower both your blood pressure and stress level when you cuddle (or have sex).

2. Entrepreneurs Need Behind-The-Scenes Support

There’s nothing more challenging (and exhilarating) than waiting for a sale to come through in the final hour… or launching a new product… or taking your company public. 

But these things are mentally taxing.

Entrepreneurs need the encouragement and praise that come from being in a healthy intimate relationship. Your partner reminds you of who you are, especially when you feel stuck or lost in your business.

They are a guiding compass and a soft place to fall that you can lean on when things get tough.

3. The Right Partner Will Grow Your Business, Not Slow It Down

Most entrepreneurs resist getting into relationships because they feel like it will drain their time, energy and resources. 

They feel like it’s a poor R.O.I. of their time.

And, often, this is the truth. But not every kind of relationship wastes your time. It’s the wrong relationships that drain you.

Imagine you’re a speed boat… 

You can either get into a relationship with a partner who slows you down like an anchor dragging on the ocean floor… 

Or get into a relationship with a partner who is the super fuel in your gas tank.

The right partner will bring out the best in you, keep you happier day-to-day, and inspire you in your business.

4. It’s The Single Greatest Decision That Affects Your Health, Wealth & Happiness

Your love life has the greatest impact on your health, wealth and daily levels of satisfaction, than any other element in your existence.

I’ve had so many millionaire clients over the past decade who are absolutely miserable because they don’t have anyone special to share their beds with.

If you can’t maintain a thriving intimate relationship then your quest is, ultimately, unfulfilling.

Besides, as you may have experienced before, getting into a relationship with the wrong person can be a huge liability (ahem… divorce). 

So invest in yourself, and your love life, to make your relationship a massive priority in your routine.

Your health, happiness and bottom line will thank you.

What Are You Truly After?

Are you chasing after wealth because you think it will get you into the best relationship possible? 

Let me ask you this…

For the kind of high-character person you’re looking for, wouldn’t they be able to see you as valuable as you are right now — without a loaded bank account?

People who argue relationships are a waste of time are often hiding from life. 

It’s so tempting (and safe) to hide behind the wall of your career-building ways. 

But if you’re skirting the issue that opening up to someone who could see you for who you really are is a little nerve-racking, then maybe you need to lean into making your love life a priority.

If you’ve been running on fumes, stop.

You can only delay gratification for so long, until your mind needs to feel rewarded. 

So instead of waiting to start looking for love “one day,” shortcut the entire process by experiencing a loving relationship WHILE you build a fulfilling career.

You really don’t have an excuse to not be in a thriving relationship. It’s just good business.


Master YouTube Ads In 17 Pages:

How To Add 10-30+ Dream Clients/Month With YouTube Ads

Would you like to uncover a proprietary $200M YouTube Ads Acquisition System specifically designed for coaches and consultants? 

This may be one of the most powerful (and profitable) high-ticket acquisition models. 

Here’s a sneak peek: 

Ultimately, your triumph on YouTube comes down to 4 key areas… 

  • Reaching the right person 

  • Ensuring they have the ability to invest 

  • Strategically training YouTube’s AI 

  • Crafting the right ad script & presenting the right offer  

When you maximize these key points, your ads will experience the highest overall return. 

Inside the free PDF below, you’ll have the opportunity to see how an 8-figure YouTube consulting company optimizes each.

The pulse

Latest Insights, News & Tools for Online Coaches

NEW Business OS Will Get You From “Drowning In Work” To Having True Freedom — Want to empower your team to manage themselves, execute your strategy, solve problems proactively, and take ownership of outcomes? This free training and powerful demonstration from Colin Pal will show you the way.

“The business of business is relationships; the business of life is human connection.”  — Robin Sharma (Author – The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari)

Struggling To “Close” Clients On Sales Calls? Avoid These Mistakes — Renowned business coach Jason Moss reveals the top 5 blunders many online business owners make, after analyzing hundreds of sales calls while scaling a 7-figure coaching business. Dive in and learn from him today.


How To Be A Brilliant Business Coach Or Consultant  

If you’re one of the following…

★ Business coach

★ Marketing consultant

★ Social media strategist

★ Mindset coach

★ Online business manager

Your livelihood is at risk…

And not just due to increasing competition, but because of how many competitors give business coaches, consultants and service providers a bad name.

To stand out amongst the (not always so great) crowd, you have to be brilliant. 

A bright beacon that cuts through the noise and guides your ideal clients TO you.

This FREE guide from the UK’s leading business coach, Gemma Went, shows you how to do just that.

All Aboard The Coaching Train

Alright , let’s wrap this convo up with a neat little bow.

When you think about it, who wouldn’t want a confidante by their side during those unseen 2 a.m. victories or the unexpected challenges?  

As a coach, every milestone is a testament to your drive — no matter how small. 

But having someone special to share those with… THAT’S the secret sauce.

Remember, love isn’t a distraction — it’s fuel. 

It’s the rhythm to your melody, the heartbeat that amplifies your drive. 

Love fuels tenacity, invigorates your creative spirit, and believe it or not, can amplify those entrepreneurial milestones.

If Jordan’s perspective sparked some reflection or “aha!” moments in you… 

Spread the love. Share this email with a friend. We all deserve ‘extra’ in our lives, don’t we? 🤗

Till next time. Stay driven, stay loved, and always aim for a life rich in every way possible. Cheers!

See you next week,
Next Era Coach

— Collectively Paul Hennessy, Kelsey Woods, Yahli Rashi, Steven Daar, Jordan Gray


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Zachary J. Radford
Editor & Copy Chief Of