3 traits you need for 6-figure+ success


You can’t pay your way out of your problems….

That means no amount of outsourcing and hiring out your marketing will solve your business’ lead flow problems.

A swipe of your card for a course or a done-for-you service won’t magically bring in more clients just because you paid.

And you sure as heck can’t expect to bring in overpriced contractors to do a complete overhaul of your copy and messaging, and expect everything to suddenly sell like hotcakes.

Trust me, I get it.

Paying someone else is an easy way out of doing the real work.

Thinking you can fast track your success with a credit card. 

But think about it….

if the world was pay-to-win, there’ll be way more successful business ownersthan not

Running a business takes skill, problem solving, and the ability to actually do the ground work to seize opportunities. 

The trouble is, most people don’t realize this until they’ve felt like they’ve been knocked down a time or two.

When they feel like they’re back to square one….but now this time with a negative bank account and a stack of credit card bills due.

Heads up!

Because we’re about to share with you the biggest advice anyone can ever give a coach as they build their personal brand:

You. Cannot. Outsource. You. 

In this deep dive, Christina Jandali will share the 3 key traits you need to have if you want to become a sold out coach!


Master YouTube Ads In 17 Pages:

How To Add 10-30+ Dream Clients/Month With YouTube Ads 

Would you like to uncover a proprietary $200M YouTube ads acquisition system specifically designed for coaches and consultants?

This may be one of the most powerful and profitable high ticket acquisition models.

If you want a bit more detail, here’s a sneak peek:

Ultimately, your success on YouTube comes down to 4 main things:

  • Reaching the right person 

  • Ensuring they have the ability to invest 

  • Strategically training YouTube’s AI

  • Crafting the right YouTube ad script & presenting the right offer 

When you maximize each of these key points, your ads will see the most success and highest overall return!

Inside the PDF below, you’ll have the opportunity to see how an 8-figure YouTube consulting company optimizes each point…

Today’s Deep Dive Guest Writer

hristina Jandali (and her business Deliver Your Genius) is a self-made millionaire and business growth strategist, helping coaches and course creators develop scalable profits and a dedicated fan base through free Facebook groups.

Initiating her venture during maternity leave, Christina has empowered thousands globally to build their profitable powerhouses, blending confidence enhancement with actionable insights.

Whoever Said Business Should Be Easy Didn’t Tell You The Whole Truth

It’s 100% for the toughest of the toughs! 

You’ve gotta push through the distractions, the fears, the doubts, the resistance, the pesky voice in the back of your head.

Even now, as a multi-7-figure business owner, I’ve got to catch myself whenever these thoughts creep back in.

Unfortunately, in the online space, it’s full of rags-to-riches stories. 

They show you where they were at the very bottom when they were just starting out….

….and one “jump cut” in the video later, you see how amazing their life is now as they work from the beach in the Bahamas with a cocktail in hand!

Without seeing all the struggles in-between, it looks like these people became successful overnight.

And that everything is peaches and roses.

The reality is most people don’t ever talk about their months (or even years) of figuring things out. 

How many times they’ve fallen and had to pull themselves back up. 

How many doubts that crept into their minds (and how many are still there.)

How many tears were shed and on the floor moments they wanted to say, “I’m done! I’m just going to go get a job!”

If you’ve been an entrepreneur for more than a nanosecond, you’ve already discovered that there’s no better personal development than building your own business.

Nothing Will Stretch & Push You The Same Way…

Every single person in business takes on a daily challenge to up their game, to be better than yesterday, and to develop themselves to be a leader worthy of receiving the results they want.

But no one can do that for you.

Much like losing weight, you can’t have someone do pushups for you. 

You can’t delegate someone to get a result that you, yourself, are not ready to receive.

The good news is that even though it isn’t easy, it’s also NOT meant to be complicated.

But there lies a massive difference.

Success Comes On The Other Side Of DISCIPLINE

Without discipline, we don’t have the ability to get enough traction to create the results that we look for.

The results you see online all came as a result of the backend of successful visionaries pulling up their sleeves and getting to work, little by litte, bit by bit, day by day, until things actually worked.

Creating habits of discipline in their business so they have the opportunity to move forward.

Because the cost of inaction is far greater than the moments when they’re uncomfortable.

Now, Let’s Take A Look At Your Business

Think about the moments when you’ve felt uncomfortable.

When you were met with areas you weren’t masterful at yet.

Did you choose to approach it head on? Or did you shut down and push it away?

When you don’t give your 110% in the moments that count, you’ll get stuck in a cycle where you feel bad and blame yourself for not taking the leap.

…and in turn, it causes you to lose trust with yourself.

You know you’ve lost trust in yourself when the voice in your head tells you…

“I’m not good enough”  OR

“Nobody is going to buy from me…”  OR

“Maybe I need another certification/training/program… I’m just not ready yet.”

But the faster, more willing and honest you are with yourself about facing discomfort, the faster you will move through it.

Success Also Goes Hand-In-Hand With ACTION

More often than not, people get scared and pull back because it relieves them from the pressure of feeling bad. 

Because it feels safer when you stay in the planning and learning phase.

Because it feels easier to think about the people’s lives you could impact, instead of actually doing it. 

Because it feels fun thinking about the difference you can make for your family, and the joy of being able to say you did it. 

But there’ll come a point where the dreams are still sitting safely on the shelf, and dreaming is no longer safe.

And if you’re thinking of hiring someone else to fix your problems, you’ll only get temporary relief.

Because the truth is, you are avoiding the responsibility of figuring it out yourself. 

The only way you will evolve and grow is by moving forward, taking action, and having a mentor in your corner to be your gutter guards to see your blindspots before you do. 

Today, take the time to realign yourself with your vision. 

When your intention is 100% clear and aligned to what you want, you’ll create it.

You’ll stop at nothing to get the job done.

“Discipline” will come second nature to you… 

“Action” will be the joy that wakes you up in the morning…

It’s not about how ready you are but your willingness to take that first or next step.

So, you might be wondering… What’s the 3rd key?

A SYSTEM is always at the backbone of success. 

…and if you don’t have a system yet, it’s easy to get a cluttered mind that never knows what to do next.

That’s why I teach my clients a simple system to speed past their peers into profit predictability with consistent $10-20K months.

This system combines 3 pillars that will help you with rapid audience growth, a conversion strategy to turn those leads into buyers, and how to create a program that gets your clients results 100% of the time.

Wanna find out more? 

—> Click here to find out about the Sold Out Coaching System.


Free 60-minute Consulting.com Business Coaching Call (NOT A Sales Call)

If you’re an entrepreneur generating at least $50k/mo in your business and want to know your most important next step for growth, apply for your free value-only Consulting.com business coaching call with a 9-figure coach.

Ever Feel Like You Haven’t Achieved The True Personal Growth You Crave? 

Unleash your unique potential by learning about Revolutionary Character to discover what’s holding you back from true transformation… Book a free coaching session.

Millionaire Astrology — A Proven Formula To Create Exponential Success In 2024 & Beyond… 

Discover the fastest way to at least double or triple your revenue without burnout, and also resolve major problems in your life and business. Use the 5,000-year-old ‘science’ of Indian Vedic astrology…


Want A System To Solve Your Marketing Woes?

No more staring at the computer blankly, unsure what you should do next in marketing…

This guide will eliminate the noise and distractions so you can focus on small daily actions to generate clients in your business.

If you are a coach who wants a simple yet effective checklist of daily activities that will fill up your calendar with sales calls and clients…

Get the most effective way to gain visibility, find your right people, and turn prospects into paying clients!


Discover The 7 Secrets To Profitable Coaching From Day 1

Including a little-known pricing technique that can increase your income without adding hours of work. Watch it here.

“You’re Manipulative…” 

Angela Henderson’s raw 8-minute story on boundary breaches in business offers vital lessons on self-worth. Listen here.



How are you currently positioning yourself in the market, and how can you improve your unique selling proposition?


From SEO to paid traffic to social media influencers to affiliates – we’ve got it all for you.

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