A Coach’s Guide to True Rejuvenation


If you identify as being ambitious, driven, proactive, impatient, and success-conscious – then chances are good you struggle to prioritize rest.

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 If you identify as being ambitious, driven, proactive, impatient, and success-conscious – then chances are good you struggle to prioritize rest.

For driven coaches, rest can seem like a somewhat foreign concept.

If we’re asked what “rest” means to us, we might say doing light administrative tasks or hitting the gym.

But notice that both of these things are still just other forms of working… 

The gym might seem like downtime because you’re getting away from work (even though we’re usually still thinking about work the entire time) but you’re still doing a lot, and outputting loads of effort…

It’s not truly resting. 

This begs the question… What is the meaning of rest? And how does it work?

In Today’s Deep Dive, we delve into the overlooked yet crucial topic of rest for high-stress roles….

Jordan Gray’s ‘How To Rest: A Guide For Driven Coaches,’… 

Reveals rest as a vital tool for peak performance, creativity, and well-being, transforming it from luxury to necessity. ⬇️


What To Do *AFTER* Your Launch

After a successful launch, it is easy to lose momentum or even burn out. 

After a lackluster launch, it is easy to fall into scarcity and despair that takes you awhile to bounce back from.

In this free Zoom training on Thursday February 1st, Scott Oldford is going to share some “launch secrets” that has helped thousands of other entrepreneurs to unlock more growth after each launch they do.

You will learn:

  • Where to invest capital to maximize success

  • How to avoid burnout

  • The most effective ways to leverage the launch assets you built

  • The path to hit your next level regardless of the launch’s success

This training session is LIVE with hot seat Q&As at the end so you can get your questions answered directly. 

Sign up for the free Zoom session below: 

Today’s Deep Dive Author

Jordan Gray is a relationship coach for entrepreneurs. Jordan’s work has positively impacted over 200 million people worldwide, and he has helped more people get married than he can count. You can browse his hundreds of free articles and join his email list at JordanGrayConsulting.com

How To Rest: A Guide For Driven Coaches

Rest is the core of the word restore, which means to return, bring back, or repair something to its original state.

In the case of resting, that “something” is the nervous system.

Unfortunately, with the way modern society has been set up, it’s easy to stay stuck in survival mode day in, day out.

We’re bombarded with more stimulation and external stress than the human body was built to handle. 

We have an insane amount of things to juggle – bills, staff, relationships, packed schedules, traffic, and media noise.

In order to rest, we have to begin learning that it’s okay to rest, we deserve to rest, and we need to rest.

After trying out dozens of tactics to find what works for me… 

I’ve assembled a core list of pleasurable and restorative self-care practices that I cycle through in my routine.

These are my favorite ways to integrate rest into my everyday life, which may work for you too.


Engage in slow activities that are pleasurable.

Physically slowing your pace and reducing cognitive tasks or distractions is a simple way to help the body switch gears.

Think of carefully preparing a meal while listening to fun music. Doing Tai Chi. Or taking slow walks in nature.

Do breathwork.

Our breathing patterns are a main way the body gets the signal to switch between tracks of the nervous system.

When we breathe, we stimulate a bundle of nerves that connect from our organs to the brain, called the vagus nerve. It can tell the brain and body to basically either chill out, or freak out.

Doing intentional breath work is an amazing and super fast hack I’ve used for years to enter deep states of rest and calm down. In a matter of a few minutes—anytime, anywhere—you can blast away stress and tension.

Most of that time has been using the Wim Hof method, which you can find a ton of classes and tutorials for online.

Listen to your favorite music from when you were a teen.

For most of us, our teenage years had their own set of problems and stresses. But there was also usually an air of freedom and lack of responsibility. 

We often listened to way more music back then, on loop, which became a trigger for that carefree time and state of mind.

Listening to your favorite music from that era tends to bring a sense of play and nostalgia, which can be deeply rejuvenating.

Mindfully sip a mug of tea.

Green tea and matcha are awesome options, because of how many health benefits they deliver, without giving you a bunch more stimulation via caffeine.

Both teas are loaded with polyphenols, which have a ton of health benefits, like reducing inflammation, and neutralizing free radicals and repairing cellular damage, which defends against aging and disease.

Another big component is L-theanine, which has great calming, anti-anxiety effects, while increasing dopamine and encouraging a calm, creative alpha wave state in the brain.

Physical tension and mental tension are linked together.

I recommend booking at least an hour to fully drop in and soak up all the benefits of therapeutic touch and the relaxing atmosphere. 

Take Naps

Lying down to rest can give your brain an extra sleep cycle in the middle of the day, so you can carry on with more energy and cognitive resources.

The ideal naps length is around 20 minutes, and no more than 30. Because once you hit deeper levels of sleep, and get snapped out of it by an alarm, you risk causing grogginess and disorientation, which makes the transition back into the day much tougher.


Tips For Successful Integration

Whatever your ideal rest practices look like, the key is to schedule them into your life.

Treat baths, walks, breath work, massages, or grocery shopping like any other important meeting you’d never miss.

Set timers or alarms during your workday to remind you to get up and stretch, or make a cup of tea.

You might struggle with it at first. But if you get into the habit for a few solid weeks, you’ll be blown away by the difference, and wish you’d been doing this years and years ago.


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