The Unseen Battle: Perfectionism in Female Entrepreneurs


Ever felt like you’re constantly running on a treadmill, trying to keep your business afloat, and yet, somehow your own health and body goals keep slipping off the radar? 

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Ever felt like you’re constantly running on a treadmill, trying to keep your business afloat, and yet, somehow your own health and body goals keep slipping off the radar? 

You’re not alone. Many female entrepreneurs and execs share this struggle, feeling like they’re in a never-ending battle with their health habits.

See, there is this silent thief of joy, robbing you of your peace and trapping you in a cycle of self-judgment and impossible standards….

It’s relentlessly pushing you toward stress, burnout, and a feeling of never being good enough.

So today we bring you Rachel and David Godfrey of Chase Life Consulting…

With 18 years of expertise in health, personal growth, and peak performance mentoring, they’re here to shed light on a hidden truth. 

The real problem isn’t your willpower or a packed schedule; it’s something deeper, something often overlooked…. 

Dive into “The #1 Reason Female Entrepreneurs & Execs Are Unable To Get Their Body & Health On Track” and discover a path to reclaiming your health and your life.

Before We Dive In…👇👇


How Beginners Are Successfully Buying Websites To Earn Passive Income

Today’s episode of the Rich Dad Radio Show should be a huge dose of inspiration and insight, whether you’re new to investing or a seasoned vet…

That’s because the guest host Greg Arthur is interviewing Matt Raad, an expert in website investing…

Matt Raad has over 20 years of buying and selling businesses and today he’s sharing his experiences and strategies in buying and selling websites…

Specifically, he teaches business owners, executives and professionals how to invest in websites for passive income and from the testimonials, he is very, very good at it…

One of his students makes $8,000 per month, working just 8 hours a year…

Another makes $25,000 per month from a website she bought for $2000, just 2.5 years ago.

Today, Matt’s going to walk you through his entire process, step-by-step…

Click below to listen to this special interview.

Today’s Deep Dive Author

Rachel and David Godfrey, founders of Chase Life Consulting, bring over 18 years of expertise in health, personal growth, and peak performance mentoring. Rachel, a former physio and trainer, has built multiple health businesses. David, an author and speaker, specializes in emotional and behavioral change, guiding clients to overcome mental struggles and reach their full potential. Their work is globally recognized, featured in leading media outlets like Oxygen Magazine, Men’s Fitness, and CEO Middle East.

The #1 Reason Female Entrepreneurs & Execs Are Unable To Get Their Body & Health On Track

If you’re a stressed, overwhelmed female entrepreneur or senior exec who has been struggling for years, if not decades with your health habits and body goals, the real reason for your struggle is not what you think it is… and NO ONE is telling you the truth.

Here’s the deal…

You have blindspots – things you’re oblivious to.

You THINK you know what the solution is, and you keep trying to force yourself with more willpower, more self judgement, working longer, harder & faster, and trying to squeeze more and more things into your already overloaded to-do list!

But nothing seems to be working. Not because “nothing works for you!” but because of these blindspots. 

Of those blindspots, the most common issue that comes up again and again isPERFECTIONISM.

Most people think that perfectionism is when you have ridiculously high standards and are exceptionally successful – albeit somewhat obsessive.

However, perfectionism will manifest itself in many ways that make it harder to spot.

Perfectionism leads to the all or nothing mindset, living in fear, stress, overwhelm & anxiety, constantly being on the wagon, off the wagon, and being unable to keep your own promises to yourself in certain areas such as health, fitness, love & relationships.

You’ll also struggle with a lot of self judgement – which you believe is necessary as a stick to beat yourself with so that you remain vigilant, don’t become complacent, and finally get better.



Perfectionism is not even the same as having high standards. Allow me to explain…

The surface level symptom of perfectionism is a compulsion to always look for what’s wrong and what’s not good enough – in your work, in yourself and in your decisions.

You get more of what you focus on. If you look for what’s not good enough, you’ll always find something.

Now, checking for risks and downside is vital – in varying degrees depending on your industry. 

But perfectionism goes beyond the necessary checks and balances required for peak performance.

The deeper level driving force behind perfectionism is, “I need to get everything perfect and look perfect so that nobody can judge or criticise me and I won’t look like a fool.”

This is no longer about standards or objective outcomes. This is about insecurity.

Necessary checks for you to do your job get activated and deactivated as appropriate.

Perfectionism NEVER gets deactivated. You’re terrified of looking bad, getting called out, losing your hard earned reputation, being criticised, being disagreed with, or being humiliated.

So even if – during your incessant checking – you don’t find anything, you remain anxious that you’ve missed something, so you keep looking. 

Perfectionism has the following inescapable consequences.

  • You’re driven by stress energy instead of sustainable energy

  • Tasks take 10x longer than they need to because you’re constantly scrutinizing your work

  • Nothing you do ever feels good enough

  • You’re constantly anxious that you’ve missed or overlooked something

  • You frequently miss the big picture because you become obsessed with unnecessary levels of detail and get caught up in the weeds

  • You train your brain to hate the work you’re doing, which in turn frequently leads to procrastination


How Perfectionism Destroys Your Health & Body Goals

Perfectionism will perpetually sabotage your attempts to get healthy.

Firstly, you’ll repeatedly find yourself exhausted and in desperate need of release from all of the self imposed stress & overwhelm. 

If you’ve trained your brain that food or alcohol is the most rapid, reliable and effective way to get that sense of release, then you’ll constantly tell yourself “just this once”, or “this is the last time”, or “I deserve it, I’ve been working really hard.”

After all, your survival brain doesn’t care about long-term consequences. It just wants to escape immediately.

Secondly, you’ll tend to bring your perfectionism with you into the world of nutrition, fitness & health!

Perfectionism with food is one of the biggest precursors to what we call “f**k it!” moments.

You buy into the belief that the ONLY way for you to succeed is to get everything perfect.

You count every calorie, plan every meal meticulously, and track everything you eat and drink in your app.

Not only is perfectionism impossible to maintain, but you also have no idea how to navigate the grey areas of life – those times when you’re caught out of routine and you can’t get everything perfect.

But if you believe the ONLY way to be successful is to get everything perfect, then even the slightest deviation or setback triggers “What’s the point?!”

One “bad” food becomes a “bad” meal – becomes a “bad” day. You write off the rest of the day, weekend or even the entire week to “start again on Monday!”

Perfectionism will also put severe limitations on your business growth. Sure, if you have a high tolerance for pain, you can achieve a certain level of “success” through perfectionism – albeit in the most stressful way possible.

However, you’ll soon hit an invisible ceiling that you can’t break through because, as your business grows, you simply won’t be able to handle the ever increasing demands, responsibilities, problems, moving parts, and uncertainty.

That stress then bleeds into every other area of your life, and it becomes increasingly difficult to stick to your own promises to yourself.

Not only do you become increasingly frustrated, and increasingly stressed in your business, but in other areas of your life – such as food – perfectionism leads to the all or nothing mindset. 

You find yourself oscillating between short periods of attempted “perfection” followed by “f**k it!” moments and falling off the wagon.

Over time, the “on the wagon” periods get shorter and shorter, and the “off the wagon” periods get longer and longer.



  • You don’t have to burn your business to the ground, or lower your ambitions!

  • You don’t have to lower your standards, or become complacent.

  • You can INCREASE your professional success, get more done, more effectively, more efficiently, in less time, with less stress…

  • Reclaim control over your time, your schedule and your personal life…

  • You can be successful in your business life AND your personal life…

  • You can succeed in your health, body and performance goals WITHOUT sacrificing your business or your hard earned reputation.

But NOT the way you’ve been doing things. 

You do NOT need to hold onto the anxiety, the constant self judgement, the compulsive over-checking or over-planning in order to be successful, get ahead or progress to the next level.

In fact it’s inhibiting your capabilities. It’s exhausting, leads to burnout, causes you to miss the big picture as you get bogged down in the minutia, and it means you’re unable to handle greater levels of responsibility and growth.

You’re like a Ferrari with the handbrake stuck on. So much power and potential, all being stifled and suppressed by subconscious self protection mechanisms.



At Chase Life Consulting we specialize in the physical and cognitive health optimization and strategic performance of female entrepreneurs and executives.

If you are looking to get into amazing shape and become a better leader within your business or organization APPLY HERE for our 6 month Private Mentorship Program.   

We are excited to connect with you! 

Rachel & David 



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“How can you sit back and relax when so much in your life depends on how your business goes?”

In a conversation with a business owner who had his sights set on a billion dollar valuation…

…Olly Richards noticed a palpable calm & sense of non-attachment to that outcome in his conversational partner. What happened from there inspired this guide on how to enjoy the journey more as you drive & evolve your business.



How are you currently positioning yourself in the market, and how can you improve your unique selling proposition?


From SEO to paid traffic to social media influencers to affiliates – we’ve got it all for you.

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