Does Your Relationship Fuel or Hinder Your Business Success?


Building a business is thrilling … 

Always pushing forward, always reaching for that next milestone. 

Together with

Building a business is thrilling … 

Always pushing forward, always reaching for that next milestone. 

But when it comes to romantic relationships and family life, that same professional drive… Well, it can complicates things. 

And the typical relationship advice doesn’t always fit for people who have so much personal passion for serving others & growing their business. 

It’s can feel like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

That’s why we were drawn to share Jordan Gray’s work on “The Best Type of Romantic Partner For An Entrepreneur” 

He gets it.

He talks about the kind of partner who doesn’t just cope with the entrepreneurial lifestyle but thrives alongside you in it. 

Jordan isn’t just another voice telling you to find better balance; he’s offering real insights on how to create a relationship where your partner matches your intensity and ambition.

He says it’s not about dialing back who you are or what you’re aiming for. 

It’s about working in partnership with another person who sees the fire in you and who wants to fan the flames, not douse them. 

Unlock that and it is game-changer.

Find out The Best Type of Romantic Partner For An Entrepreneur below 👇


If You Aren’t Making $100K+ / Mo…. Every Month….

You just haven’t yet set the proper foundations for a 7+ figure business.

Those foundations include:

#1. Marketing that is automatic

#2. A sales process that works with flexible effort from you

#3. A business model that can scale without your direct 1-on-1 time

#4. Lean operations that doesn’t require you to be some “big shot CEO”

#5. A set of mindset beliefs to get you out of your head and into action

That’s it.

That’s all.

That’s what’s required.

And when you do this… things work.

Want to learn how to build these foundations into your coaching business? 

For only $27, you can join Scott Oldford on a live 7 Figure Foundations workshop hosted on Thursday February 22nd at 1pm PST

Today’s Deep Dive Author

Jordan Gray is a relationship coach for entrepreneurs. Jordan’s work has positively impacted over 200 million people worldwide, and he has helped more people get married than he can count. You can browse his hundreds of free articles and join his email list at

The Best Type Of Romantic Partner For An Entrepreneur

Undoubtedly by this point in your life you have realized that many of society’s rules don’t apply to you.

The structure of school didn’t work for you…

You didn’t fit the mold of the corporate world…

And your dating life has always been a bit of a unique one.

You didn’t blindly accept one of your first job opportunities as a career for life, so is it any surprise that you have high standards as to who you will commit to in your love life?


5 Essential Characteristics Of An Entrepreneur’s Romantic Partner

As someone who is naturally driven, risk-tolerant, and hard-working, you excel in business. But as someone who is also likely to be stubborn, impatient, and moody, your love life has likely been a bit more challenging.

So what is the best type of partner for an entrepreneur?

Maybe you have a transient lifestyle because your business is location-independent…

Or you keep finding partners who don’t seem to live life as full throttle as you.

Whatever the reason, there are certain characteristics you should be looking for in a partner that will make your life feel more full (and will grow your bottom line at the same time).

1. Flexible

As an entrepreneur you can’t be expected to come home at 5pm on the dot into the loving arms of your significant other.

Whether it’s the start-up phase, you’re in the middle of due diligence… 

Or you’re putting out fires with your product supplier halfway across the world…

There will always be something that throws kinks into your schedule.

First and foremost you need a partner who is flexible and willing to roll with the punches.

If you meet someone who throws a fit if the restaurant server says the meals will take longer than expected then you might need to reconsider your strategy.

2. Forgiving

For an entrepreneur, the line between work and life is completely blurred…

You live your work and get a lot of emotional fulfillment from your life’s mission.

So it’s to be expected that you will occasionally have to cancel or postpone an agreed upon date night with your loved one. 

And while it isn’t something that you should be aiming for, you know in your gut that this has happened in the past and it will happen again.

Having a partner who can let go of the score-keeping mentality, forgive you when you need to be forgiven, and be willing to make alternate plans on their own, is integral to your relationship’s success.

3. Loving

Time efficiency is everything for entrepreneurs. You work hard, and you need to relax as thoroughly as possible with the limited amount of time that you have.

A patient, kind, loving, and nurturing partner is your best bet when it comes to a soft place to fall.

You can let go of a lot of your stress in the gym… 

But you’ll need a balanced and nurturing partner to really ground you when you’re not calling the shots in your business venture.

Not only does a loving and nurturing partner create a place for you to decompress… 

But they are also the only safe sounding board you have for a lot of your fears and concerns.

Who are you going to tell your mounting operational stress to? Your investors? Your employees who depend on you for their income? Not likely.

Your significant other is the go to source when you need to be reminded that “Yes, you can do this. You’ve done it before and you are successful for a reason”

4. Believes In Your Life’s Mission

For someone to truly get behind you in your relationship in a supporting position… 

They have to agree with and believe in what you spend your life doing.

If your partner doesn’t understand why you enjoy spending the occasional (or frequent) 12-hour day at the office then the relationship is likely doomed from the outset.

Being a committed, fire-in-the-belly entrepreneur is like having children from a previous relationship in that it’s an essential part of your life… 

So it’s something that you will want to bring up early on in the courtship phase.

5. Has Something Going On Outside Of Your Relationship

Entrepreneurs need space.

You have something that you are wildly passionate about and it takes up a lot of your time.

Ideally, your partner should have their own fulfilling career, passions or interests outside your relationship. 

If you have a partner that depends on you for the vast majority of their emotional fulfillment, then you might want to proceed with caution.

While entrepreneurs are often drawn towards partners that don’t have their lives together (because entrepreneurs are fixers and value-adders by nature) this relationship dynamic is short-lived and the entrepreneur will only grow to resent the partner.

So ensure early on that your potential partner has interests outside of you…

They could be a marathon runner, avid gardener, or even an entrepreneur themselves. 

Whatever it is, just make sure that you aren’t their only route to happiness.

While I think it’s relatively rare…

Some couples do successfully work together to build a business, particularly if they have complementary skills… 

Such as one who targets broader objectives, while the other is more detail-oriented. 

In those cases, both truly understand the commitment required, so are on the same page from the beginning.


What Kind Of Person Should Entrepreneurs Date?

Entrepreneurship is a roller coaster and you’ll need someone there for when the ups and downs become too nauseating.

You need someone who gets you, who understands your passion, and who will always be there when you need them the most. 

Of course…

It’s not a one-way street, and there are times you will want to be there for your partner, running your own business should allow you the freedom to occasionally step away when necessary.

If you have any questions about your love life, or how to navigate any specific roadblocks, you can always reach out and chat.



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