Can AI Written Copy Connect With Your Audience?


We’re coming up on a year since ChatGPT and other AI tools hit the mainstream. 

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We’re coming up on a year since ChatGPT and other AI tools hit the mainstream. 

Even though it doesn’t feel like we’re hearing about AI non-stop like we were for stretches of time last year…..

Google Trends still shows that AI and popular AI tools are more popular trending search topics now than ever before.

Even if it is somewhat “old news” to the earliest of adopters and coaches like us who run our businesses primarily online…

….it is still being discovered by the majority of people.

As more coaches and marketers begin to rely on AI tools to generate their copy and their creative for them — the market becomes more sophisticated in being able to recognize it.

We now have enough data to show us the things that AI does in its writing that falls flat and turns people off.

In today’s Deep Dive, we’ll share those major issues and how you can still benefit from using AI to save time while still creating powerful, effective, and compelling content for your coaching business.

Read about it in the Deep Dive ⬇


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Today’s Deep Dive Author

The First Issue With AI Copy

The first thing you probably notice once you start to read more AI written copy is that it has pretty formal and impersonal writing style.

This is especially true for the introductions and conclusions of any given piece.

This can be fine if your goal is to inform the reader and the content is some “How To….” piece on your blog or something that you plan to have rank for some keyword(s).

But it is not likely to create emotionally compelling copy that will win over the hearts of your readers in a way that gets them to take action.

You can include in your prompt to add more emotions or humor or personal touches to the writing but it usually goes a bit overboard with it.

It still does not feel human now because it is a robot trying too hard instead of not trying hard enough.

You can use AI to bust through hundreds or even thousands of words so you don’t have to write from scratch but you’re going to need to come in at key points to weave in relatable and attention grabbing elements the robot likely isn’t going to provide for you.

Do it through a combination of the copy and the formatting at key points like section headings and initial sentences, bullet points, calls to action, etc

The Second Issue With AI Copy

The second major issue with AI copy is that there is no “point of view” for the reader to connect with.

We are able to see others and ourselves in our mind’s eye when we read things that include first person and second person pronouns like “I”, “me”, “you”, “we”, “us”, etc 

A main point of sales copy is to create a relationship between the reader and the offer or product or service that is being sold. 

It is very hard to do that when the copy falls flat and disconnected on the personal level. 

The AI generated copy might actually nail the features and benefits and implications of all of them in the copy but if it just lists them dispassionately instead of applying them directly into imagined & envisioned experience of the reader — it just isn’t going to land the same way.

When you edit your AI copy, be sure to make it personal and add in the direct syntax that does that through “I” and “you” and “them” type words to transform the impersonal into things that connect deeply and more tangibly.

The Third Issue With AI Copy

The final main issue with AI written copy is that is often relies on surface level observations & its transition between topics lacks cohesion.

If you are writing short form copy these issues are minor and easily mitigated.

As you get into longer form copy they become more damaging if left in the writing and more time consuming to fix.

In copy, you can’t take it for granted that people are going to read everything in the piece.

If the writing lacks any level of depth in its insights nor gives some new way of looking at something, it will be hard to hold people’s attention long enough to make the sales argument.

New sections or transitions of topic are key places where people are liable to drop off and stop reading the copy. Clumsy or abrupt handling of them will lead to people feeling lost or disinterested.

There needs to be a seamless weaving and building of the pieces shared in the copy in order to keep attention all the way through.

AI writing might give you a solid structure to work within and even some really good “meat” that you can keep largely intact in the writing….

….but watch out for these mistakes that AI writing make in the majority of its output.

Create a simple checklist for your copy team to ensure they look for and resolve these types of errors in copy they use AI to generate and you’ll find them pushing out more high quality copy on a consistent basis.


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