Expert Coach Way to “Handle” Key Objections


Every visitor to your site and every prospect who gets on a sales call will have some level of doubts or fears that buying what you have to sell won’t work for them.

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Every visitor to your site and every prospect who gets on a sales call will have some level of doubts or fears that buying what you have to sell won’t work for them.

They may not trust your company, they may not trust your particular product or service, or they may not trust themselves to be able to succeed with it. 

In today’s Deep Dive, we’ll show how to help build trust in all areas before any doubts or objections begin to creep in.

If your marketing or your sales needs a boost, today’s topic might be a major contributor to converting people you have previously been losing.

Read about it in the Deep Dive ⬇


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Today’s Deep Dive Author

The Objection Overrider

The human brain is a fascinating thing. 

It can create powerful images of a desired future state….

….but just as quickly it will come up with excuses or reasons for why they shouldn’t even begin to pursue that potential outcome. 

If your marketing and sales process leans heavily on the desire and future gains side of the persuasion equation….

…but is light on risk and fear mitigation side of the equation, then you need to read this deep dive. 


Ninja Objection Mastery Part 1:
Pre-Handling Objections Before Revealing Your Product

If someone does not yet have a grasp of what your product entails, it is difficult to make arguments against it. 

A useful framework for marketing copy or in a sales conversation is to:

First focus on the pain or the desire.

Then illuminate what is available on the other side of success.

Followed by highlighting some case studies, testimonials, or examples where a point is made of how these people succeeded despite having valid excuses to not.

Succeeding despite constraints on time, money, environment, past track record, education, etc can help not only increase your prospects’ desire to learn about the solution….

….but it also lowers their resistance because they have been shown proof in advance that others with similar circumstances as them got the desired outcome.

Obviously it doesn’t dissolve resistance completely but it lays some good ground work that keeps them open minded and listening because they want to believe this will work despite what has caused delays or failures in the past.


Ninja Objection Mastery Part 2:
The Gain In The Loss  [And Vice Versa]

When it comes to risk reversal or mitigation, we often focus on the monetary piece. 

We may give some sort of money back guarantee or free trial to help people overcome their fear of losing money in the transaction.

But there is more that someone loses than just money when they decide to buy or commit to something. 

On some level they are losing a sense of psychological safety, comfort, or familiarity.

One of the brain’s key functions is to keep us safe and for most people, the new and unfamiliar presents unknown risks so the brain will try to convince us to remain in our current mindsets, habits, attitudes, and goals. 

Even if buying your product could lead to better health, better relationships, more money, or other great outcomes —  there are hidden fears of losses tucked inside of those meaningful gains.

Maybe they fear losing their social circle if their habits change. Maybe they fear having to defend their new choices or drawing the envy & judgment of others.

Illuminate what a path to sustainable success looks like. Even better, show them how they can turn their secret fears of loss into additional sources of gain.

Handle these hidden objections and watch as new waves of sales roll in!


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