The Coach Who Closed Nearly Every Sales Lead


Think about this:

Every serious qualified lead who has ever been in contact with your business ultimately bought something from someone to help them.

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Think about this:

Every serious qualified lead who has ever been in contact with your business ultimately bought something from someone to help them.

Whether it is a coaching offer, a book or a course, a SaaS tool, or something else….

….if they really were serious about solving the core problem(s) that you help with  —  they probably bought something from some business to help move them closer to their goals.

There is a way to set up your sales process so that almost no matter what they buy, your business can benefit & monetize

In today’s Deep Dive, we’ll show you how to make it so nearly every lead who enters your sales process comes out as a buyer on some level.

Read about it in the Deep Dive ⬇


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Today’s Deep Dive Author

The ~100% Close Rate
Step 1: Qualification Diagnosis

A common mistake that many coaches make is that they don’t properly qualify leads.

As a result, whoever takes your sales calls wastes a lot of their time with people who don’t want, don’t need, or can’t afford the thing(s) they want to sell.

For most coaches, they take their own sales calls and can be a big time & energy suck on your calendar….

….especially when you ultimately spend your time talking to people who weren’t really qualified to be speaking with you about your offers in their current situation.

There is an alternate path where before ever getting on a 30-60+ minute sales call, people first join some sort of “15 Minute Assessment Call”.

On this short call, even an assistant level person could lead prospects through a short call to ask a handful of key diagnostic questions to assess their current situation.

What happens from there now that we have key information from each prospect to know exactly what they are (and are not) qualified for? 

Step 2: Diagnosis Results & Next Steps

Wrap up the 15 minute call by telling them that the team will review it and respond in 1 – 2 business days with some sort of brief analysis or top recommendations based on your current situation & goals. 

At the beginning you may need to debrief on these conversations internally to provide the analysis or recommendations or the offers to make, but soon enough a decision system will emerge for team members to move forward with responses on their own.

If they are not qualified for your flagship offer(s), you can provide links to some low ticket products you have or affiliate links to other business’ products that may be a good fit for them.

And if they are qualified, then whoever ran the 15 minute call can email the prospect to say something like:

“Our research team has found a couple significant opportunities for you. When would be a good time for us to show you the strategies on a call?”

Anyone who gets this message has now been qualified 1 – 2x times and is excited to get on the sales call to get the payoff from their previous time investment on the 15 minute call.


Step 3: Deliver Value & Share Offer(s)

On the sales call, the sales rep for your company can dive into the insights and recommendations you have based on the info they shared in the 15 min call. 

Depending on what you offer, you may give a demo or a tour or share some mock ups or projections.

And as you highlight the problems it solves and the results it helps to create you can ask them if they want help with these things.

If they are a serious prospect who wants to get results, then it is a conversation to match the best option for them given their resources, competing needs, etc

You will discover what your market wants to buy and then it becomes your job to have a ready made solutions for the most common demands.

If you have an agency service that costs thousands of dollars per month, then it will likely eventually make sense for you to have a group coaching program that costs hundreds of dollars per month or a course that costs hundreds of dollars from a one time transaction.

Even if it will take you some time to build quality products at different price points, it should be possible for you to find affiliate or partner programs for other existing products, tools, services, etc to get a cut of whatever it is each prospect ultimately ends up buying.

Qualified, serious prospects are going to buy something.

The only questions are whether your business is going to profit at all from their buying decision & to what degree.



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