How To Create a Coaching Program That Sells


Do you want to create a coaching program that actually sells?

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Do you want to create a coaching program that actually sells?

Or maybe you already have a coaching program, but it’s not generating as many clients as you’d like?

If so, keep reading and you’ll learn exactly how to create and position a coaching program that sells.

If you’d like to watch an 11-minute video on the topic of “Create & position your irresistible offer”, click here to access it.

Over two years ago, I had achieved some success in my business and was sought-after in my industry.

The problem was that I was constantly plastered in front of a computer screen.

I wanted to get away from selling my time and hours and start selling a scalable offer, so I could make more money without working more.

In fact, I wanted to work less. At least not spend all that time in front of my laptop.

That’s when I launched my $5k group program, in which I helped consultants and coaches build their personal brands to attract more clients and leads.

I attracted a lot of leads and served a ton of clients in that program.

The reason why I attracted so many leads and clients to that program had nothing to do with having a complex funnel or spending tons of money on ads…

It had to do with two things:

1) I had a strong personal brand
2) I had an offer that was irresistible to my ideal client

It doesn’t matter if you have a strong personal brand or not. If you want your offer to sell, it needs to be positioned in the right way.

Scroll down to the Deep Dive to learn more about how to create and position an irresistible offer


Joella Skoogh is the co-owner of Next Era Coach, and a business mentor for coaches, helping them build their personal brands & authority on social media so they can attract higher-paying clients.

Joella built her own personal brand from zero to becoming the go-to person in her industry in Sweden.

Now she serves clients all over the world through Masterclasses, programs and 1:1 mentoring.

Today’s Deep Dive Author

If you want your program to sell, you need to make sure it closes the gap between where your ideal client is today and where they want to be.

For example: Let’s say you’re a dating coach.

Your ideal client is a woman who actively dates, but feels frustrated that her dates never lead anywhere. She’s aware that she usually picks emotionally unavailable people, although she’s not sure why.

After a few dates, they often ghost her or tell her they’re not ready for a relationship. She doesn’t know how to break her own pattern and she almost wants to give up dating entirely..

At the same time, she dreams of being in committed relationship with her dream person. 

If this is your ideal client, you want to create an offer that attracts your ideal client based on her own level of awareness around her problem.

As a dating coach, you know that her real problem might be her own emotional unavailability and attachment issues, but she might not be aware of that.

All she knows is that dating is not going well and she’s choosing the wrong people.

That means you need to attract her to the offer based on what she feels her problem is and the result she desires (finding love).

If you want to create an irresistible offer, answer these questions:

– What symptoms are my client currently experiencing?

– How do they feel around their symptoms? How do they speak and think about it and what words are they using?

– What is the cause of these symptoms – meaning, what is the real problem? Is my client aware of their real problem?

– What are the consequences of not solving this problem? Where will my client be 1 year from now if they do not solve the problem?

– What does my client dream about? Where do they want to be 6 months to 1 year from now? What do they want to have, experience or feel?

Once you have answered these questions, create an offer that creates the transformation that your ideal client so deeply desires – and it will sell like crazy.



How are you currently positioning yourself in the market, and how can you improve your unique selling proposition?


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