Sign high-ticket clients from Instagram with less than 4000 followers


You don’t need a large following to sign high-ticket clients on Instagram.

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You don’t need a large following to sign high-ticket clients on Instagram.

If you checked out my Instagram profile, you’ll notice I have only a few thousand followers and usually get between 20-80 likes per post, with minimal comments.

I get about 200-300 daily views on my Instagram stories.

Not exactly impressive, right?

But here’s what you don’t see:

  • I’ve generated multiple 6 figures in sales from my Instagram followers

  • Most people who watch my Instagram story have bought from me or plan to (which I know because they’ve told me)

  • Many never like or comment on anything, but they still buy

I don’t focus on my Instagram numbers – I focus on building a business and using Instagram to support that growth by playing a strategic role in the customer journey.

If you want to learn how to use Instagram to make more high-ticket sales, keep scrolling down to the Deep Dive.


FREE GUIDE: Turn More Followers Into Clients

Want to attract ideal clients as followers, turn them into hot leads and then convert those hot leads into high-ticket sales?

If so…you need this FREE guide.

Stop trying to “succeed on Instagram” and instead start utilizing Instagram as a tool to build relationships with your ideal clients and create high-ticket sales.


I have only a few thousand followers on Instagram, but I consider nearly all of them potential clients.

Meanwhile, I know people with 30,000 followers who struggle to sign any coaching clients at all.

Here are two key things I recommend if you want to make high-ticket sales from your Instagram followers:

1) Don’t chase likes or followers – instead focus on being hyper-relevant to your target audience

If you chase likes and followers, you’ll create more generic content that attracts the broad masses.

Sure, you’ll get followers…but how many of those followers are ideal clients? How many of these are potential high-ticket clients?

It’s better to strive for 3000 followers who consider you “the one and only” than 30,000 followers who would never buy from you.

If you actually want ideal clients to follow you, your content needs to be hyper-relevant to a niche audience.

That means you won’t get A LOT of likes, followers, and views. But you’ll get highly relevant likes, followers, and views.

(And tons of high-ticket sales.)

2) Think of Instagram as just one part of the sales process

My followers on Instagram don’t consume content from me just on Instagram.

They also subscribe to my newsletter, follow me on LinkedIn (where I have a much larger following), are members of my community, attend my free and low-ticket offers, listen to my podcast and more…

In other words, they consume a variety of short-form and long-form content on multiple platforms before they buy. This is why I consider Instagram just a part of the entire sales process.

This is why you need a marketing strategy that turns followers into hot leads and clients by using different types of content across various channels.

Then, your marketing turns into a sales machine.

If you want to attract ideal clients as followers and turn them into hot and clients…click here to download my FREE guide detailing the step-by-step framework for how to achieve this.


Joella Skoogh is the co-owner of Next Era Coach, and a business mentor for coaches, helping them build their personal brands & authority on social media so they can attract higher-paying clients.

Joella built her own personal brand from zero to becoming the go-to person in her industry in Sweden.

Now she serves clients all over the world through Masterclasses, programs and 1:1 mentoring.

Follow her on Instagram or on LinkedIn



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